You killed Holy by nerfing Holy Word: Serenity so much

Seriously the stupid spell only heals for like 2% of the tank’s health now.

I mained Holy in a few of the previous seasons. I thought that my favorite thing about the spec was the cooldown reduction of my holy words - very fun minigame there. But after finally levelling my priest to 80 and healing on her, I now also realize that a large part of my enjoyment of the spec was the big KACHUNK healing that Serenity did.

Now that serenity does almost nothing it’s like the spec feels awful. It’s just a flash heal spam spec now, basically. And I get to power up my Heal with my Oracle thingy but I don’t care about that.


Found the problem. Archon is the pve healing spec for holy. Oracle is really only good in pvp, and I suppose its ok if you are trying to use the overheal cheese but that will only get you so far.

That said every healer got their overall healing reduced and outside of a big CD like Lay on Hands you won’t really be healing for 100% of the tanks over all HP anymore with any spell.

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Thanks, didn’t know that. Will try out Archon. I liked how Oracle gave my priesty girl a triangle thing infront of her face and turned her eyes golden, lol

Well I’d estimate that Serenity used to heal for 40% of a tank’s health. A nice big chunk of health healing spell but not 100% like LoH

A lot of us do for both holy and disc, sadly it just isn’t tuned well enough for pushing content like Archon is. I’m sure with a good enough group that understands how to work with the spec you could make it work but it will be harder than Archon.

Archon is also good because it helps cover for holys weakness to an extent as atm outside of Archon Halo holy really doesn’t have good AoE healing.

Blizzard’s goal with this expansion was to make tanks actually need healers, and well groups in general need healers. So tanks got their survivability nerfed and healthpools got significantly increased. Heals didn’t really get buffed though to compensate, which I think is also intentional, so it will take more healing than in previous expansions to top people off.

Yeah, I know. Healing is now like 1/5th as fun as it used to be. Such a stupid change.

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I would say its more an ignorant change. If the goal is to make it so damage matters and isn’t spikey that is fine. The issue is M+ scaling is really only done by adding more enemy HP and damage which means the higher you go the spikier damage becomes invalidating their supposed design philosophy.

If they wanted that then they need to make dungeons less around damage pools and more around punishing each class for failing mechanics, DPS get debuffs that reduce damage done, tanks failing mechanics should result in higher difficulty maintaining threat, and healers failing mechanics should make it harder for them to keep people alive.

Sadly I highly doubt Blizzard will ever diversify dungeon challenge in such a way so we will keep getting the damage spikes that they supposedly don’t want to exist because thats just how M+ difficulty works.

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