You just couldn't resist it, could you Blizzard? Torghast was too good to be true, so you had to add a timer

There are WAYS of implementing this so that it only affects top tier groups. But even that is stupid, because its core audience (mythic plus groups of BFA) are sick and tired of timers, lol

It’s literally not that though, as Blizzard themselves have already stated.

What happened during your life, childhood I’m guessing, that makes you fear a timer?

Was it some sort of “if you dont finish your breakfast in x amount of time, you dont get dinner!”

Something like that?

You don’t speak for anyone other than yourself champ.

You’re tired of them.

You don’t get to speak for anyone else that runs Mythic+

Oh, so I can stop mid-way through the floor with zero impediment to my progress? Will my ability to clear the floor be linked to how long it takes me to clear it?

From what I understand, that’s a no to the first and yes to the second. Sure it isn’t a hard timer, but it still is a timer.

Edit: cause I suck at writing

Read the post I shared from the alpha forums regarding Torments (which is the ‘soft timer’ mechanic that everyone is getting salty about). Blizzard is actively collecting feedback, because they’d like a system where you have time to kill every monster on the floor, take breaks and explore the level, without getting hammered by extra difficulty spikes.

They just don’t want folks feeling like they have to wait 10 minutes between pulls because having Bloodlust/Heroism/Wardrums makes it easier.

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Tbf you have multiple KSM, Mad World, and multiple AotC’s. I don’t think either of us really represent the average WoW player. I am going to do whatever gets me the best rewards that doesn’t involve PvP’ing. If it means running 50 floors of Torghast every week I will do it or whatever.

The average forum player isn’t going to do that since the average forum player hates “grinds” especially if they are repetitive and looked at as a weekly chore. There are constantly threads with the same ratios as this one that bash on Visions because of how repetitive it is to level up their cloak. Note: LEVEL the cloak. No masks. Just doing the visions.

Ok, then what happens at the upper level of difficulty of the content? (assuming they rein in the powers so that they don’t make the levels easier as you go on) What do you envision to be the failure state at the top end? Cause that’s where my concern lies.

I couldn’t care less about a timer in the lower levels of difficulty, just like I ignore timers in +10’s and below. Where I’m curious is when we’re on floor 100 (arbitrary number), which is a floor that we’ve finally just gotten to… what exactly is going to be the impediment to our progress?

Will it be how fast can we clear the floor? If yes, then yes… this is M+ 2.0. If no, then explain what will be the failure factor?

And in all honesty… I couldn’t care less what less than 1% of the playerbase engages in to get a minute advantage over the rest. I’d rather we not degrade the product to stop the tiny minority that are going to be so insane as to spend 4-5 hours waiting for every single cooldown for every single pull.


Midway -> no

The latter is a huge stretch, but technically a “yes”. If a potential 5% damage taken buff is the deciding factor of you finishing the floor, sure, but when classes are rocking like a permanent 30% damage reduction with 300 forms of CC and self-healing I sincerely doubt that is the case. Unless you go AFK to take a shower and get something to eat in the middle of a floor I sincerely doubt these Torments will do much of anything imho especially since they reset every 6 levels.

The amount per stack is so unbelievably insignificant that you have to literally stand around for them to do anything. Based on current alpha things I have seen each floor is like 5-6 minutes tops so by the time you get to the boss you are looking at maybe like 30% increased damage taken, which again isn’t a whole lot when you can get things like permanent earth elemental or your (also permanent) healing stream totem gives you like 40% damage reduction.

It’s not just “casuals” that are unhappy about this change. I’ve played at a fairly hardcore/high level for the majority of my WoW career (from BC until BFA) and I absolutely hate it when they ruin potentially fun solo content with crap like this.


Then what is the failure state of the tower? I’m assuming that we won’t actually be turning into mini-gods in there when it goes live.

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From what I understand right now they’re still figuring out what happens for the ‘top end’. Right now the focus is on the content levels that most players are going to see. They want to make sure they get those right, and then they’ll look at addressing the upper tiers which fewer players are going to get to.

I would not, however, be surprised if a hard-timer was added for the extremely high levels, after you’re effectively a god and can kill almost everything by pointing at it.

The god-like thing is actually intended. Blizzard stated they’re going to be doing more tuning, and they eased off on the number of anima powers you get in current builds compared to the tower at launch, but you’re still effectively a god by the time you get to the top.

Probably just getting so far up that it simply “isn’t possible”. What is the failure state in high keys? Getting to the point that the numbers actively aren’t possible.

Bizzard has stated that Torghast IS too easy as it stands right now considering things like covenant abilities and soulbinds aren’t implemented yet and people are already getting to like floor 70 or whatever.

Well I’ll reserve my judgment until I see it, but thus far… I’m still fairly disappointed in this. And again, I say this as someone who’s very accustomed to beating timers. Whether it be boss enrages or M+. I was looking forward to a more relaxed experience where I could literally walk away from my keyboard as needed. Not an experience, where I knew in the back of my mind… I will eventually hit a point of no return and must start pulling out all the stops to beat the soft enrage.

I’m certainly not getting a refund, and am looking forward to shadowlands. I’m just disappointed by this.

Edit: And no… a “safe zone” at the start of the dungeon doesn’t really fix the issue for me.

The timer.

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The timer is not a failure state.

Deaths are the failure state of the tower. If you’re running solo, you can die 3 times on each floor without running into any problems. Die a 4th time though and that’s when the Tarragrue will get released and start hunting you. If he kills you, then you get punted out of the tower.

Oh, you’re right, i have no base ground for saying that even mythic plus players are sick of the timers. There are no threads about it, and its pretty much a consensus.

But guess what, even if it was, torghast is supposed to be something else. It’s supposed to be the endgame for everyone, not just elitists. And you and a couple of others that insist im the only one complaining, this thread with 155 posts and about 5 others with even more each are showing you otherwise bigtime.

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Your splitting hairs there. Yes deaths are the failure state, but the timer is the soft enrage that increases the probability of deaths. Thus it in essence will become the de facto failure state.


At this point I’m just ignoring the whiny blood elf demon hunter.

Go cry in a mirror buddy.

ok, human male paladin (why is it always a HMP?). I guess we agree to disagree.


If I’m being honest, it actually sounds like the reverse is true.

Yes, the timer will ramp up the difficulty, but not to the point where you’ll automatically fail. You’ll still be able to clear the content. And that’s the key difference. In mythic+ if you fail the timer, you get punished by not getting a better key. In visions if you fail the timer, you get murdered by a lack of sanity and you miss out on loot.

Even if you die 4 times and are getting chased by the Grue. You still won’t fail unless he kills you. Folks in the alpha have managed to kite him, CC him and otherwise avoid dying to him before clearing the level they were on. He specifically has to kill you to get you kicked out. So even if you die to another random mob while the Grue is hunting you. You still won’t fail.