I’d probably keep this set as my main transmog, I absolutely love the warglaives. It still fits that “crusader zealot” style
Does look nice. But I wouldn’t put it 10/10. Maybe an 7 or 8/10. I found the best looking appearances that were 10/10 were from Vanilla, TBC and Wrath content, depending on classes.
I’m a big fan of the plate and mail armor sets. The leather set has some nice salvageable parts. They do beat some of the upcoming tier sets.
I would die for HD versions of the T2 AQ sets and weapons/off pieces.
Tell me you’ve never played anything other than WoW without telling me you’ve never played anything other than WoW. This is the same set we’ve had for almost two decades now, just slightly tweaked.
Prove it then, cause this set also have really amazing mail gear, an armor set that blizzard always screw up for hunters and shamans in the past
Bloodfang still hasn’t been beat for rogues imo.
I know you lyin’
Yep looks good. Then I look at the paladin tier set and wonder what the hell were they thinking when they approved it.
Who said anything about doing that?
Yeah, plate and mail look so good. Currently working on the plate set.
Is that a serious question? Look at the picture, look at the numerous old sets… compare them… and you’ll see it. I mean… sorry, but your proof is your eyes. If they aren’t working, I can’t help you.
The problem is that this game runs on an extremely outdated engine. For the same reason, WoW doesn’t have 3D armor but armor that is directly attached to the avatar. If you had played anything other than WoW, you would immediately see the difference. Armors in WoW are sometimes directly painted onto the avatar, with individual parts sticking out as if they were directly part of the avatar. Why do you think you can’t just dye armors in WoW like everywhere else, and Blizzard only manages to release individual color variations? The game is old. It is what it is.
The plate, mail and leather all look amazing. Then cloth got saddled with another tubesock robe which just wrecks the whole vibe. At least that wand is pretty killer.
Judgement Set from Vanilla for 1 example.
I try in wow to avoid armor that makes me look like a rejected 1990’s TMNT action figure. Which is to say alot of wow guys seems to like. Wearing lava armor while riding a lava bird and swinging a axe made of lava.
Careful with that lava axe, Eugene
It’s alright but it’s not pink so it would never be anything I’d use personally.