You have the worst support ever

This is being generous. They’re just trolling at this point.


Oh no, you had to actually do something for yourself instead of being spoonfed the answer. THE INHUMANITY!!!

It’s a game, discovery is a part of it. If a game or looking for information for that game makes you this angry then you should take a step back and reevaluate your priorities.


I think everything that has to be said has been. No point belaboring people that probably have aready lost their ability to respond, anyway.


I lower my head in shame at how humans behave sometimes.


At least the name is appropriate.


It is a game hint, This is why you got directed to the forums and or fan sites for the info. Why because a gm is not allowed to tell you!

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I"m sorry, Yikes, but you misunderstand what our job is. No, information about the game isn’t top secret, but players are meant to discover the various aspects of the game themselves, or through the help of their fellow players or fan sites. In most situations our Support staff is not there to provide that information to you.

This is anything from drop rates, item information, NPC and quest location, Boss information and, many aspects of game functionality.

Now, I understand you are frustrated and upset, but I think this thread has gone on far beyond when it should have.