You have strayed so far from the game as we knew it

There are more players in Classic than Retail, but there are more players in FF14 than both.


The first part of your statement is wrong, so is the second.
I love FFXIV, but it’s never had more players than WoW


My FF14 servers are full of players, retail WoW servers are ghost towns (I have toons on 6 of 'em) and my Classic servers (2) are always full, but have fewer players than FF14.

ESO server is also full of players almost everywhere I go. It’s a blast not having any queues for group content, both instanced and overworld.

And recently I fired up SWTOR to play the new expansion and there are a ton of players on every planet I went to.

I hold out a faint bit of hope that Blizzard will wise up and get other legacy expansions online.


dude, you have to be insane to play retail or just love arena way more, if ur just pve’ing on retail theres something wrong


The game has a lot to do, the story is good and there is a massive world to enjoy.

Or I could play Classic where I repeat the exact same raid every week, waste time in world pvp and pretend that there isn’t a brickwall at the end of the game lol


If I wanted to clear every raid in 2 hours, under leveled, under geared, while standing in the only 2 mechanics there are, I’d play classic.


Actually kind of agree with you there. I was extremely disappointed with the goblin remodel. They all look the same now, and they all have pillowface.


ur playing a soul-less game which says ALOT about you

So, because you see a lot of players clumped together in a game with a smaller world, that means there are more people?
Sure, if that works for you.


You reliving 2004, re-playing a game that was considered ultra-simple/ casual then in hopes to relive the glory days of middle school.

Does your mom role play too and bring you snacks?


yeah because i actually like wow, youre sitting there playing activision knock off actually advocating on its behalf

Even better, I can trade with them, guild with them, craft items for them (and they for me). That totally, completely works for me.

Same for Classic WoW… we have server communities again.

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Advocating? Or just not drinking the coolade? Why is it always players that think MC was “serious” making posts like this?


Yeah, their mindset, if you don’t hate retail, you’re advocating or defending it. Couldn’t be that we just have things we enjoy doing in it. Couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that many of us played Vanilla and playing Classic is like a bad rerun.


Keep wishing, i’m fine with my character not looking like a minecraft creeper


YOUVE DRANK THE KOOLAID BRO LOL. you are soo gone in your brain or just not an actual wow player you are accepting activision trash

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Seems like OP is acting the same way he did last time he did a similar thread like this one


oh look, a guy who voted my post as troll because he didnt agree with it

Oh look, the op that starts attacking everyone that doesnt agree with him, simply ignores everyones arguments and tells them to shut up

(Thats why you got flagged)


While you pay for it.

Thanks, troll!

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