You have strayed so far from the game as we knew it

I didn’t say I knew why millions (your word) quit, only that millions did not quit only because they hated WoW, which is literally what you said.

I know people who quit to play FFXIV. HeelvBabyface (I’ll stick to public figures)
I know people who quit to play Archeage Online. ZZsavage
I know people who quit to go play ESO. Fextralife

People quit for a variety of reasons, not JUST because they hate WoW, which you insinuate.

You’re going to get a vacation at this rate. Step back and breathe. You’re not going to change anyones mind. It’s up to them to see.

And baby hasn’t made 43246 videos bashing sony? How odd


Okay Slyvanas, calm down before some Night elf makes you angry and burn the whole tree down. /j :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Hoodie is going to be Tauren sized with all this extra feeding!

Really though, how much fun can you have arguing with the “no, u wrong.” wall?


“After offering no proof Oldest WoW Vet (26) demands proof. Calls other players not human.”


I obviously don’t do arena and don’t have 2800+ rating but the arms warrior in the BFA video is not using good abilities in my opinion (he does not have a build for mobility, that’s why he is lagging behind).

Massacre is a game changer in PVP: you can use execute when on a target with less then 35%.
Death sentence let you execute at a 15 yards range and auto charge the target.

He also have a weird choice of essences…
And why he is not always pressuring the druid?

Anyway… i prefer BFA for arm and prot (i don’t play fury)

I like how he doesn’t deny being 11. I remember a while back I’d do the same thing. Say I was a couple years older so I felt more relevant to the conversation.

That’s what I feel is happening here. That or it’s a troll. Regardless I don’t feel like arguing with a little kid. Even if they are rude I don’t think it’s right.

Heck I’m kind of mad at myself for arguing with a kid.


They’re young I think. Hopefully not really 26 because yeesh.

Took a look at their post history and it looks trollish but with that flair of “I actually think this and I’m awesome” you get with younger ones.


Might be a rare case of a young troll. That would be surprising.

Gotta say after hearing about WC3RF tonight I’ve no confidence they will learn anything about the success of Classic. I mean that from a development AND investment perspective. If they don’t know what made WC3 so popular there’s no way they understand what made Classic so popular.

To say no good changes after mop is crazy as well.

The questing in WOD was pretty darn good.
Also garrison was good, just no content out to get us from it.

Wod was much better than BFA. BFA has BORING content, What content wod had was good, but lacking.

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Wonder if blizz employes are allowed to read forum or it’s just blocked to keep morale at some level

So most of what you said was ok, but this… surely you are just trolling… why would anyone want to revert to what they were before!

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Many of us prefer the old models.

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And many don’t. Your opinion on them doesn’t change someone elses opinion being just as valid.

I never said they weren’t.

right? so chill out. im sure youll get to keep your shrek animations