You Have SILENCED my Female Dwarf

Below are the jokes and flirts which female dwarves have been silenced from saying in the 9.1.5 patch:

  • No they’re not real, but thanks for noticing.
  • It’s like my father always used to say: ‘Shut up, and get out.’
  • My Uncle has brass balls, no really!
  • I give myself a Dutch oven pedicure every night. I’ve got no foot fungus at all. My toes are pristine.
  • I’ll have you know I can flatten steel with my thighs.

What made me fall in love with the dwarven female was that she was so crass and hilarious! She was self-assured and didn’t care what anybody else thought.

I don’t understand. What will she say to replace this? Or, are you just silencing women?

This is disgusting. You are KILLING that race/gender combo…

I wonder, do you believe that destroying comedy in WoW will actually INCREASE your subscriber count or diminish it even more?

What’s left of the dwarven female’s personality once you’ve spaded her? A blank slate?

Will our characters even have the OPTION of even speaking in-game, or is that too offensive?


ur a good smart horde pepole and u wanna do ALANS ? no do not do them alans is so dum , go to jal alans


They’ve silenced trolls, too. :frowning:

And Tauren… and pretty much everyone.


This crusade of yours needs to stop. Now you’re looking to incarcerate people named Alan?

I will oppose you, classic troll!


i say on u un do change to a troll were perfet ! nerf to alans is O K , nerf to horde is badjob do u hear me balisard !


if u r alans player , DO NOT ! if alans go to jal ty goodjob


Insensitive to the IBTC

Offends fatherless strippers

Offensive to those who wish they had balls

People with digestive issues wish they could fart this much

Not sensitive enough towards skinny people

Please, know that I’m joking btw :heart:


How would an Azerothian know what a Dutch oven is in a world where there is no Dutch anything?


You guys keep thinking Blizz is making these changes for us


They don’t care about you, they make changes for their own feels.


oh ya is a smart i didant think of it but ya how there gonna no it

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No offense, bruh, but sometimes deciphering this text feels like:


how come u get a pepole that get a worlf , on there fase goodjob i like it

What I’m really going to miss is the human female “Why does everyone automatically assume I know tailoring and cooking?”

That one always got me.


Factions are dumb.

it is abit coret , ALANS is dum horde is goodjob , 1 fraction is dum no 2 of then

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Don’t worry the factions were made by bad devs they will have to be removed.

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Make me! :smirk:

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My favorite part of this dev quote is that some of us already support them with a monthly subscription lol. What more do they want? They work for a company, and they provide a service. We pay for this service, and want it the way the collective “we” want it. Strange that the WoW devs have this ego and attitude of “you think you do, but you don’t”.


do not do it i dont wanna falthy ALANS in grop there sobad gonna get a die in battlegrond go on pepole WAA WAA how come i die i am a baby , then if there alone , do alot fite in midle of 1 v6 , LOLHAHAHAHA idk that u espact alans is a bad idala bc the horde gonna beat ! LOLHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ahorde is goodjob we stick

Wish one of them felt like making a good story or gameplay jfc.