You have been disconnected (BL2519000007)

I’m getting the same message

Love the 2 hour and it seems extended Maintenance…

Same error and problem.

Actually, kind of wanted to ask the people here this. Has anyone seen or talked to their friends that says are playing WoW on their toon? None of my friends are online at the moment, so I can’t ask them.


Shrug, just came back after 2 years, new server… nothing has changed lol

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I just re-subbed after a long break from WoW and I can’t log in because of this issue. Fun times.

I’m only showing one online. He probably logged in before the crash and has kept playing.

I’m still having problems logging in to my account even after removing my authenticator. Now I am confused and frustrated.

Why would you remove authenticator?

frustration makes us all do crazy things

I thought I might be able to log in after removing it.

haha i can login now!

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Able to log in now!

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same! just when I started a ranked game of TFT lmao!