You have been abducted by the infinite dragonflight

They reached the statistical impossibility of running out of ideas and are reaching out to mortals to figure out new plots to change the timeline in order to correct it.

You have the ability to change exactly one event in the entire timeline of world of warcraft.

Explain what the events you would change is and what are the intended consequences of your actions.

Other people can comment on your alterations and point out likely scenario events that would happen as a result that would actually damage the timeline more.

Infinite monkey paw thread.


This is a fun idea, I have so many events I’d want to change but the one that sticks out in my mind the most is…

I’d prevent Sylvanas’ ‘second death’ (Flinging herself off Icecrown) to prevent her from making her dumb bargain with Zovaal that somehow 180’d her purpose/personality. I think the reason for this is pretty self explanatory seeing everything we got after this event.


The unfortunate consequence of this act is that it would keep Sylvanas on the path of eradicating the scourge.

There are two inevitable conclusions that result from this decision: The destruction of Bolvar Fordragon In her desperate satiation to complete her vengeance quest against the Scourge. This would usher in an early feudal age of the scourge as they break into miniature factions that individually grow into power and cannot be consolidated and controlled by a single enemy anymore.

The second unintended consequence of this action would be the radicalization of Calia Menethil. Seeing the actions of her former people being used to disabilise the world and only empower the undead through their actions would lead her to becoming the seat of power of her own people in the form of becoming the high cannoness of the scarlet crusade, which would only further become empowered through the assimilation of the argent crusade.

My event is rather simple.
Queen Azshara Intervening at the burning of Teldrassil to officially blood debt the night elves and the blood elves, eternally cementing her as a neutral power and a genuine neutral leader that isnt benevolent and radically changes the two faction narratives to be in a constant political power struggle between themselves and making sure the neutral powers don’t climb as a faction.

Edit: mistitled her benevolence

Exactly how would Azshara intervening and aiding the Night Elves in the War of Thorns make the Blood Elves feel a blood debt towards her?


You are never going to believe who saved Kael’thas in the third war little brosky


I would stop Thrall from choosing Garrosh as his successor Warchief, by whatever means necessary.

Literally everything bad that happens throughout like 6 expansions is a direct result of that one really, really bad decision.

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I’m gonna be real here. I’ve been thinking for about a solid twenty minutes on this post and I can’t come up with anything that would make the timeline worse.

how would Garrosh not being Warchief make the timeline worse?

With the hindsight that we have now, which would absolutely come into play if dealing with the Infinite Dragonflight, would not say, Vol’jin or Cairne Bloodhoof have been a better choice at the time?

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The infinite dragonflight pushed Magatha to kill Cairne because clearly under his leadership something worse than Garrosh happened.

something worse for the Infinite Dragonflight’s goals. yeah?

and I don’t think they really needed to push Magatha that much, tbf.

and we’d be talking about a Cairne that doesn’t gain the Warchief title through a rebellion.

(but personally, I woulda picked Vol’Jin over Garrosh, with hindsight.)


Kael’thas receiving aid from the Night Elves and Naga have never factored into Quel’thalas’ relations with said races. Azshara directly intervening to aid the Night Elves during the War of Thorns would merely cement Azshara as an enemy for Quel’thalas and the rest of the Horde.

So again, how would Azshara aiding the Night Elves in the War of Thorns make the Blood Elves feel a blood debt towards her?


During Jaina Proudmoore’s attempt to flood Orgrimmar in the aftermath of the Bombing of Theramore, Thrall is prevented from stopping her.

With Orgrimmar flooded and all within killed, the Horde is dealt a mortal blow that it never recovers from. The Echo Isles would probably be entirely wiped out in the process, so the Darkspear Trolls are also eradicated. Without a Warchief and with two of it’s races decimated, the Horde crumbles swiftly.

In the aftermath of the Horde’s destruction, the Alliance finds itself embroiled in a Civil War. Jaina’s actions are condemned by many, but praised by others. Some want to provide support and humanitarian aid to the remnants of the Horde, while others want to finish what Jaina started and remove all trace of the Horde from Azeroth, forever.

Pandaria remains isolated, WoD never happens, and thus neither does Legion nor BFA. When N’Zoth marshals it’s forces to dominate the world, a non-existent Horde and devastated Alliance are too weak to stop it. Azeroth falls to the Old God, and the world soul is corrupted and becomes a Dark Titan, making way for the Void Lords to devour the cosmos and upset the balance of the cosmic forces.

Also Gamon dies in the flood so, you know… automatically the worst timeline.


Absolutely neither side would ever consider themselves bound to a blood debt to Azshara

Not for faction brain reasons, but the night elf leadership is still the people who led the revolution against her and Dath’remar gets borderline ancestor worship


So are you just going to do this in every thread I make now?

Kill Azshara before she can start her empire.
Alternatively, kill all dargons at the beginning.


To go a little further into my previous answer.

I wouldn’t try to convince Thrall to pick someone else. I would remove Garrosh as an option. The exact action I would take would be one of the following:

Plan A - Place Garrosh at ground zero of the Wrathgrate incident and ensure he dies to Putress’ New Plague.

Plan B - replace Dranosh Saurfang with Garrosh at the Vanguard of the Warsong Offensive at the Wrathgrate, so that Garrosh is the one who tries to fight Arthas, loses, gets raised as a Death Knight, and then killed by the ICC raiders.

Thrall would then likely pick Vol’Jin(or maybe even Dranosh) as the new Warchief during The Cataclysm.

The MoP War doesn’t happen. WoD doesn’t happen.

The Legion finds a different way than using AU Gul’Dan(because WoD didn’t happen, so AU Gul’Dan isn’t there) to invade the Broken Isles. But they are met with a full strength and fully cooperative Horde and Alliance and get spanked immediately. Varian Lives. Vol’jin lives.

Legion happens, but with almost no cross-faction tension, which makes the Legion Invasion easier to push back, as the Horde and Alliance put their full might behind it, rather than it calling on just the various Class Organizations. Remember, the entire reason Legion fell on the Class Organizations in the first place, is because the Alliance/Horde couldn’t get along enough to mount any real War Effort after the Broken Shore debacle.

Sylvanas never becomes Warchief. Teldrassil doesn’t burn. the BFA War doesnt happen. Shadowlands maybe happens(?) but again, full strength and fully cooperative Horde/Alliance makes it far different.

The Horde wins the second war.

How would that be accomplished? Gul’dan doesn’t abandon Doomhammer right before the siege of Capital City to go tomb-diving? Zul’jin sees reason and understands that trying to besiege Quel’thalas while the Alliance Army is marching on the Horde from behind is a terrible idea, and agrees to help Doomhammer take Capital City first?


Yes. This failed mostly due to the fact that the allies are terrible at basic strategy.

Not sure what I would change if I could, I have a lot of events in mind. Uuuuh, I’ll go with Sylvanas doesn’t start the War of Thorns.