You guys seriously Hate SOD?

Honestly, this whole multi versions of WoW strategy is awful, its just spreading people thin. they needed to make a bigger focus on SoD instead then later on after it was more estalished make cata, which tbh no one even asked for, its a contradiction to even call it classic.


I think people love to hate something sometimes.

Yeah i think im the wrong audience for SOD which is fine, i was asked my opinion and i gave it.

I mean the idea of running MC again makes me want to throw up, yay more target dummy bosses, but its new cuz its a 20 man this time!


Hunks dont matter to anyone.

Okay so your PVP comments are dead in the water

Did you play era? My ele sham was globaling everyone in Era. I got high warlord on him. 130K hk half of them in WPVP in between ques. WPVP has always been a clusterFOK. Just relax. Let them build off SOD and make the BIS version of it soon after. Being a hater does nothing.


People do. Or like to invest their time into something and devs abandon it. Example, pvp is broken. Their aura fix isn’t helping. 2 dots you die, no trinket rogue deletes in seconds (not gonna lie it’s fun in my rogue, but old - zero skill required) - hybrid classes that can heal have a massive advantage, locks are now essentially hybrid with their rune lol … people play the game different ways, instead of addressing issues, heavy handed nerfs to not the top performing class and then leaving those ahead alone. Example melee hunter… which I moved to range so I don’t care… but in principle if warriors and rogue are ahead why are they left alone and not nerfed as heavily as well… if the goal is to balance out better with casters. What that tells people is they actually have. I idea what they are doing and delusional. Who wants to play and invest time into that. P1 was amazing, p2 not so much… p3 kinda garbage really.


We need positivity on these forums. Its a video game that we all love. If we didnt, Would people spend hours and hours and hours and hours and hours playing it? We want to see it succeed. Why poop on the devs when they make a mistake? Let them learn, adapt, and improve.

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dont forget the new and improved loot table to go with it. :wink:

hahaha i hear you tho.

I agree but these are all things they are learning from SOD. Sod was supposed to be the test for the future. They will learn what works and what doesnt, then the second time around come out strong. Its a business. They dont want to lose money or wipe in the eyes of the players.

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people hate sod right now for the same reason they got hyped on sod: They are easily swayed by other peoples opinions. Negativity is viral and negative people never create positive people they just create more negative people. All it takes is for some one to say people are wasting their time and all the easily swayed people start to become negative and then toxic themselves and it spreads faster and faster. This is why Paladins are such big crybabies, it all started in light club.


Not the idea, but the way they making just showed how incompetent they are. And worried the future of the game

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This is more common sense, they have access to the same logs. I think the fact they the devs are not actively supporting, split between two game … aka cata. Means they are not invested, and it has shown as of late… so why should the player base be as well. The game is dying… I love classic, I loved sod … but I am Probly moving to cata because I do not want to invest time in a game when devs are completely illogical in their actions.

Are you kidding me??

I love SoD so much I got top 20 hks without even trying just from the love of pvping in p1

I came into this with sooo much passion and held into it for soooo long and tried so hard to adapt and played through soooo many bgs with afk teammates and tried so many strats against enhance shamans and even beat them 1v1 if can get a poly setup with nade or something but no matter what it’s just gonna add up at some point

Especially knowing that as an alliance pvper no matter what I do or how well I perform my team will just insta afk over nothing and then you factor how blatantly stronger than paladins that shamans are

Yeah SoD is just the most unappealing version of WoW pvp that exists right now period


You said i was a gdkp player and said i hate raiding because i cant pay to win, now youre move the goal post??

I only did gdkp for gold, i didnt buy anything in them because i raided in y guild, im proving you wrong, that was the enitre point of commenting and quoting you.

If mine are dead in the water so are yours, there is no arena in SOD, like are you really this dumb?

For the record im prolly way higher rated in arena than you ever were.

Youre irrelevant, we dont care, you asked what was bad about SOD, the wpvp balance is for sure 1 of the things bad with SOD.

You can backpeddle on the forums like you do in game, the fact is until they actually do something its bad.

Correct and until they actually do something my opinion stands.

Im not hating on anything, if it was actually good id say it was good.

Being a simp does nothing, sure tell them how great it all is so they feel they dont need to improve.

No thanks, sod is trash.


RIP BOWZO :slight_smile:

nah you’re alright

Believe what you want but look at that state of bgs… then go to cata and play horde. Far more balanced in win rate. I am horde historically, but I’ve always played alliance in classic… pretty much since cata on I’ve played horde. Not that many people are on forums, more people are making the choice because of their experience. Call it cry babies sure, but it doesn’t change the fact pvp is dead. And there is nothing to do.


I mean yea, shams are undeniably tough in BGs I do agree.

most unappealing though?
Cata? Already did that
Era? Already did that
Retail? It’s a fated repeat season
MoP remix? Well maybe but its still only for a limited time.

I just cant see how its the least appealing.


100% agree with this. They have Classic split into four products and player bases (Cata, Era, SoD, Hardcore). We see the impact as the devs bounce from project timeline to project timeline.

Obviously a ton of player crossover exists but it makes you wonder; what if they all merge into Classic+ and set up the dev team to hyper focus on a single, long term, product via Classic+.

Nah they’re TRYING to squeeze more money out of us while putting in barely any effort into SoD.

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The path to hell is paved in good intentions,
I like there tryin new things though.
Just of my own experience, my AH addon is scanning under half the items that used to be posted.
There used to be a huge list of BG to join 24/7 now every time i go to Q up there 5-6 games 24/7.
I know 3 guilds that fell apart.
While its good to try new things sumtimes they can be the wrong thing.

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i think most people didnt ask for classic cata or this jack black remix whatever. Its spreading the communities and devs too thin, terrible business strategy. another L for blizzard ;;