You guys playing Havoc DH in S4?

Nobody is saying Sinful Brand is good design. You’re just not objectively a bad M+ or raid spec.

Awful gameplay, perhaps. Just like Affliction in Legion or Demonology/Destro in this xpac, numbers and gameplay feel are an entirely separate matter.

Again, I’m bored of dealing with people that just links Subcreation charts without even knowing what they mean.

Subcreation means spec POPULARITY on keys. That means that Havocs are doing more keys (and higher rated) and those below.

That DOESN’T MEAN that Havoc is a good spec. It means that in the context of M+, the utility it brings performs better than those that don’t have it.

And we know what utility it is. Chaos Brand.

Any half decent Havoc will tell you the same, Havoc’s current DPS profile is absolute TRASH for anything that is short lived (aka what the whole of M+ is) and that our AoE is totally lacking.

Also LMAO at M+ catering to melee more than casters / ranged DPS. Step into SDepths, do the first pack with 3 packs and tell me how much it caters to melee.

? Havoc is a good spec for timing keys. The popularity reflects that. You can theorize however bad you think the damage profile is. M+ and PvE in general is a group effort, not your personal moment of glory. DH helps teams do keys fairly efficiently. That’s borne by how often it’s used in the format.

Step into any M+, not just SD, without a single melee for interrupts, do large pulls, and get back to me how well your balance druid and shadow priests are covering large packs with 30+ sec cd interrupts and garbage aoe burst and no aoe stuns. I can cherrypick too.

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Havoc helped SV and Destro do damage, and that’s how most high keys were done. You said it yourself, it’s a great spec to HELP others. It’s a B or even A tier in SUPPORT, not as a DPS spec, by buffing already massively busted specs.

In S4, after nerfs to both, we will see Havoc remains in the meta or not :slight_smile:


being havoc without urf will be hoorrible. meta every 3.5-3min with luck how many times can be use 30 min for key 7-9 times xd its sad :'v our damge will be a garbage

The nerfs to survival were laughable, the vast majority of groups do not pull more than 8 mobs, especially on fortified week, and even on these larger pulls the nerf for SV is minor.

It’s criminal how it got off with a slap on the wrist.

Destro got nuked out of orbit with its 4 set bonus destroyed. Good news is, demo is a great spec as well. Won’t compete with fire or SV, but will be a good B+/A tier spec.

Your Havoc will still be boosting the busted SV hunters, destro warlocks will be booted for fire mages, who were completely ignored despite being similarly strong to destro, and nothing much will changed.

You will still be brought for your powerful utility, while specs that rely only on damage output rise and fall based on the whims of devs’ terrible balancing approach.

I don’t see why you would complain about this outcome. Your position is more or less always secured, since the reason to bring you isn’t purely your damage output.

If you’re so turned off and selfish that the idea of being a team player and boosting the performance of your group mates is a negative, you can always play outlaw rogue or SV hunter and cry a river when your spec gets nerfed, your satisfaction at sitting on the top of the DPS meter dissipates, and you have to change to the next class that will make you happy sitting at the top of the meters.

I’d rather be the class that helps the team time keys much easier, and have a rather powerful utility kit that always leaves me relevant to the content. You get the loot, your portals, and your mounts regardless of whether you sat at top 2 DPS or not. This is a fabricated problem. People will still invite you to keys.

Now ask that feral druid or shadow priest how fun it is to get chain declined to keys for having zero utility worth a damn and putting out equally garbage numbers.

That doesn’t mean Havoc doesn’t deserve a revamp to the kit for gameplay reasons. And it mostly will, because there’s no way they can fill the class and spec tree with the current barebones kit of both DH specs. They’re going to have to expand the kit; even if you grabbed all the old DH Legion artifact nodes and azerite powers, it wouldn’t be enough to fill these new talent trees. The specs have no common shareable abilities outside maybe Vengeance Sigils, Imprison, Fel Barrage, Darkness, and Chaos Nova, and that’s it. Not enough for the class tree.

Because we obviously disagree at a very basic level.

That a DPS spec should be doing damage, instead of being reliant on utility to get brought to stuff.

You’re ok with Havoc doing no damage and being 100% utility. I’m not. We disagree, so that’s about it, nothing more to talk about.


trying to reroll marksman since its also understandable rotation and is not a dead class

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its bottom of the chart cleave and sv/lock getting nerfed finnaly

Yup. Have my marks Hunter ready to go. My sub expires in three weeks, so I’m getting the mount and dropping sub until DF has proven DH won’t be as bad as SL.

I’m looking forward to Season 4, with the currency drops for buying weapons/trinkets I hopefully won’t feel compelled to do any M+ this coming season.

we don’t need to get 3k again for all achievements/rewards?

Not me. I mained a rogue. Made my brain hurt. Switched to feral druid. Made my brain hurt. Switched to DH. Loving it. Simplicity is the highest form of sophistication

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Fellow Illidari!


maybe just make blade dance GCD and we can swap to that leggo and build and actually do aoe, the 2.7sec on it is too long fel rush filler does so little. we don’t even mind spending the extra fury in it in exchange, otherwise it needs to be double the damage

I kind of agree with you. I’ve been a havoc DH since 2019 and I love it but I agree that the spec has lost a lot of power. Having to stop using blade dance to maximize our DPS is pretty insane. Our spec needs a uptick in attack power across the board. They did it with the Windwalker Monk. Hopefully we get a nice bump as well. I simply don’t have time myself to learn a new spec in the way I know Havoc DH. We see I guess

Those are my exact top 3 favorite specs haha

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I don’t want to, but as long as Chaos Brand exists, someone has to.

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I can still end a keystone around 14-15k overall. Not exactly what I need to push big stones but for the level my guild play at it’s just fine. Would love it to be buffed, but I just love momentum too much not to play it!

Holy moly that is by far the most chad build I’ve ever seen

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As an alt, but I’d really like to learn how to tank on DH as well, in preparation for this character becoming a potential main in DF.

I agree with you 100%. Dh aoe so bad. I’m 290 havoc n I can’t compete with 270 survival hunter 272 warlock and 272 monk in aoe n single damage. It’s so sad. It’s 15ilv different.

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