You guys do know Blizzard planned on doing this, right?

It woulda been cool if they gave them unique spell effects and bothered dressing the sunwalker NPCs in literally any other set but the super generic human centric Lightbringer armor. Sunwalker lore is a cool way to explain Tauren “paladins”, their implementation ingame is weak.

A lot of these new class/race combos would be fine with just a little effort to make them special. Not looking forward to night elf paladins just being basic holy light bible thumpers instead of elune themed like they should be


I might have bought Sunwalker a bit easier had they done this.

They should have gave them Paladin sets that match the Tauren theme. The fact they didn’t and people weren’t outraged at the sheer laziness of it is why Blizzard keeps pulling this off.

People like to whine. I’d love it if Blizzard released Red-Skinned Draeneis to go with it, but it’s fine. Stopped caring about the lore awhile ago.

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People WANT to feel this way. Put simply? People now days are not happy unless they have something to “stand up against” they feel lit gives their life meaning

Sad isnt it?

This guy gets it.

I honestly believe for a lot of people that if they literally nothing in their life to complain about? their life would lose all meaning. They would have no clue what to do with their self


It’s astonishing how this generated more outrage than cross faction guilds.

What’s going to happen when Warmode off allows us to walk into any city, of either faction…

This should be the barrier. Because it’s really not needed for the other cross faction stuff to exist.

It should stay as we are separate factions that sometimes work together. Because making it optional makes it work for everyone.

Its not fair to players who don’t want to play the races but they like the classes grow up and move onto another game if it makes all of you so angry no one will miss you.

Then somehow, she is a Skywalker at the end LMAO!

That is a very fair distinction, this is what I meant.

It’s an mmo. To be the main character is silly.

Why is this flagged :thinking:


They also said that they can’t open class like paladin and warlock that easily because of the lore and that they have to work on it.

I just took a look at wowhead an i saw nothing about a potential quest chain explaining the whole deal, especially the Lightforged.
The main problem is here, nothing more, nothing else.

“It’s not fair that every aspect of this game doesn’t just bend to my whims whenever I feel like it. How dare you be mad that people who don’t actually care about the game’s world and just want to play dress-up are destroying it.”


Draenei warlocks are just eredar. Guarantee not every single person was in the Legion by choice. I’d give it more than a bit of likelihood that there were bunches of eredar who looked at the recruitment pitch and decided they’d rather the serve part than the die part.

Now, lightforged are a different kettle of fish entirely. Their naaru would disown them.

Sure, we’ve had orc warlocks (even though orcs were essentially killing them on sight for the longest time based on their role in past events). We had night elf mages come along despite the whole highborne thing. Undead hunters.

So, having some pretty out there things come to pass is one thing…but lightforged and trafficking in void are non-mixy things.

There’s retcons, then there’s retcons.

Out of all of this, that’s one hill people are welcome to bleed and die on in my book.

You can at least push an RP reason to play as an eredar.

That and I’m not ashamed to admit I’m addicted to waggle and sway.

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Yeah I thought that myself, people are just jerks XD

Orc Warlocks have always been around since Vanilla. They were deemed way too useful in combating demonic incursions and Shadow Council movements and so they were kept on a short leash, under constant watch, having to constant prove that they are on the Horde’s side.
I can see that’s how Mag’har and Lightforged Warlocks are gonna be in lore with their own factions.

Personal choice and spell shaders is the only thing needed to make class/race combos work. We already have personal choice, so all we really need are spell shaders for void elf paladins since they’re the only combo that would make no sense otherwise.

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bunches of eredar who looked at the recruitment pitch and decided they’d rather the serve part than the die part.

You know, i’m pretty sure Kil’Jaeden falls under this category, if the ToS cinematic is anything to go by.

Ok than leave the game. I’m not the one making the decisions go whine to a Blizzard GM or something. I’ll be playing the game as the race and class combo I like. :dracthyr_shrug: