You guys cancelled swifty with no evidence?

It’s a smarter move for Blizz to distance themselves from the situation. It doesn’t mean they’re agreeing with either side, they probably just don’t want to be seen as taking a side. It’s not their problem.

The allegations could still well be true, the claims aren’t necessarily invalid because of a lack of physical evidence. But either way from a business perspective there’s less risk for Blizz if they just cut it off here and avoid getting swept up in it.

Up until a few short years ago we were a nation under the rule of law and it was one of our strengths. As to whether the legal system works, it varies state by state. Specifically for this alleged crime, most states have a legal expectation that the victim report the incident within 3 years.

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The funny thing is how my post got flagged for a real life threat… lmfao

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If was serious enough it would have been out long ago. Just some ho trynna extort cash outta people.

This is just piggy backing for attention now. There are already half a dozen topics that already exist

It depends on which angle you’re looking at it from. Great Britain probably thought the same thing in 1775.

We still are.

ehhh… heh. I dunno about all that. Due process sets us apart from communist nations around the world but I can’t think of much else to say in a positive light about it.

You have to be vocal in life to be heard. You must be privileged and spoiled enough to not have problems going on i guess.

I got silenced 5 days for saying iPhones were bad for their price… so… theres that .

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It’s okay, we have people like you around to assume that’s always their motive.


You are right, but also…not quite so much. There ARE other threads about this. We would probably look a lot more civilized if we made a thread and stuck with it, but GD hasn’t done that even once since I started playing 11 years ago, so I wouldn’t expect it to start now. lol

You’re not a relevant person, that’s the problem.

I mean… We could give it a try. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That’s just crazy talk! :scream:

Due process is a cornerstone of justice. Justice delayed is justice denied.

One of my uncles was a county prosecutor and the other is a public defender but he’s retiring soon, since he’s 72.

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The Duke Lacross case comes to mind.

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Not at all, due process exists, bring it to the court and let a jury decide.

It certainly doesn’t belong on Twitter, and REAL abuse victims actually tend not to go public, often even shielding their abuser from being caught.

It’s the way their brain copes with the trauma, they become convinced it didn’t really happen the way they remember it, or that it really was their fault.

Therapy can resurface those memories and ultimately lead to a real arrest where real courts do real work, not a Twitter Trial.

And, when an accuser who uses social media as their courtroom gets called on their bluff, get challenged to take it to court in order for the accused to be exonerated, the accuser will back down. They know it’s serious and they’ll get in real trouble if they get caught committing purgery.

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due process in 2020? misogynist!!!

Wasn’t that case based on a fake accusation? Didn’t they win?

After the court of public opinion destroyed them. I wouldnt call that winning.

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“As the gentlemen on the jury will understand, when a woman says no she doesn’t always mean it. Men can’t turn their emotions on and off like a tap like some women can”

“I hope you’ll be able to keep your well-paid job and the couple of weeks you spend in prison will be treated by employers as part of your holidays”

“This was a rare sort of rape. It is not like someone being jumped on in the street. This is within the family and does not impinge on the public.”

“You showed concern and consideration by wearing a contraceptive”

”If someone doesn’t want to have sexual intercourse, the body shuts down. The body will not permit that to happen unless a lot of damage is inflicted… the victim in this case, although she wasn’t necessarily willing, she didn’t put up a fight."

These are things that actual judges have said to juries deciding rape trials.

Tell me more about how great courts and due process are.