You go "over the cap" on Crests by simply filling up Weekly Vault now?

Did they even think twice before making the change to lowering Crests cap to 90 each week?

If you are timing a key, you get 12 Crests. By simply doing keys to fill up Weekly Vault, which by design requires EIGHT key runs, when you time those 8 keys, you will be going over the cap.

Call it what it is, a true time gating on gear upgrades, NOT some made up benefit to players as quoted in this post…

By lowering the weekly cap, we keep things the same for most players (who generally never reached any of the old caps anyway) while alleviating the pressure to max out quickly for the most engaged players so they can spend more than two or three weeks before reaching maximum item level.

How about lowering the M+ Weekly Vault slots to 1 / 3 / 6 now since you guys are being so very “nice and caring” about players? And that’s something many players have been asking for a while too since it’s been lowered twice for Raid slots already.

That’s literally what that says though. They’re reducing the mandatory time for the top end while making no changes to the majority of players, most people don’t do 8 dungeons a week.

Gear progression was WAY too fast in S2 if you had the time to devote to it. This is nothing but good news across the board.


Math tells me that we will get 6 of the next highest crest for that 8th key.

Then either, increase the required Crests to upgrade or perhaps as suggested, LOWER the runs required in key slots which would actually be “nice QoL” for those made up players who aren’t filling up 8 slots earlier and well half way into expansion. Or don’t word it that poorly and give false reasons!

Again, they didn’t bother thinking what they are doing when your REQUIRED Weekly Vault slots get you over the cap.

I think they did think it through though. Going over the cap now also gives you lower crests so if you do 8 +16s or higher (you need +18s for Myth track) you will get 90 aspects and 6 wyrms (drakes? I forget the names). You don’t lose the over cap stuff anymore.

The crest cap and the vault don’t have anything to do with each other.

Not sure why you are trying to tie them together.

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Before you get all bent out of shape, did you read this part of the article you quoted?

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which weekly vault slots are REQUIRED? :thinking:

They literally reduced the cap so you don’t feel like you have to do 8, that’s the point. Just do your 8 and who cares for the extra currency, it’s all gonna be in currency tab.

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