You ever love a specs mechanics and hate the class?

Affliction has always been my first love, and I think it will always be true. But I traded my Lock in for a Shaman in Wrath - largely because I wanted to be a lightning wizard (that’s dead) but Shaman was just a lot more versatile.

I can heal, I have solid mobility, I have decent self-heal in Ghost Wolf, the DPS spec is interesting (and increasingly better since Cata imo) and I’m a low-pop class which to my own determent appeals to me.

I sometimes feel a bit trapped between specs. My brain is with the Shaman, and my heart is bound like a demon’s soul to that staff-wielding DoT-thrower and his plucky imp sidekick. Out there doing quests together like a buddy comedy.

Anyone else have this struggle, or do the rest of you murder your emotions for the big deeps and speedy mythic runs?

I have it the other way around… Love the class but hate the spec mechanics.


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Basically every class I play except Warlock.

I love Resto Shaman healing. I love everything about it, from the chunky heals on low HP targets, to the blue puddle that does 90% of the work in easy content while the Healing Totem does the other 9%, to Riptide and Chain Healing.

However, Shaman DPS, whether it be Enhancement or Elemental, is a chore that is boring at best and actively unpleasant at the worst, that I have to deal with whenever I’m doing non group content.

I only play my alts for one particular spec (almost always Tanking or Healing), so it’s rarely that big a dealbreaker.


I’d still be playing a Priest if they would stop jacking it up…

I think I have the opposite. Love the class but don’t like the play style.

Bear druid, holy pally…

i really love arms, even using mortal strike to stop healing is pretty cool to me, but watching a chunk of damage be from bleeds, it feels like im not swinging a two handed anymore

really glad that in shadowlands they put more damage into the abilities upfront rather than put a lot of damage into deep wounds