I gave him a drink in bed and he spit it out. “What is THIS?” “It’s you my love.” “What?” “It’s marshmallow and tea.” He frowned, sobbed and then opened a deathgate right there. I try so hard to make each of them feel unique. /sigh (sadly punches another hole in the card)
I had to get out of there… I woke up one night with Penumbrae standing over me with a knife and mumbling some prayer as she is about to cut off my willy… She then had the audacity to tell me with Trolls if you cut it off it grows back a little bigger… /ghost wolf and gone
Den mom said ,“marry a dreanei they are loyal and faithful” ,I took her word but she didn’t tell me that a shaman would get totally bonkers if you messed to their elementals ,Dang I just couldn’t have fun
I don’t want something that serious but let’s still hook up and have fun.
It was a class thing, mostly. Shamans and rogues just can’t get along.
He promised me he could ‘make the earth move’.
He couldn’t.
He sacrificed my bacon bits.
When he caught me reading an article titled The Cheap and Easy Way to Nueter your Dog at Home. He ran off, I haven’t seen him since.
she refused to eat any of my cooking, claiming it was “too fatty” and would “ruin her figure”
Her cooking gave me a bad heart attack.
He said he loved me,but he said I was a fool.
Always said I needed to stop wearing ice blue and wanted me to wear fiery orange instead. But it was literally fire!
Looked better in blue than I did.
She just never talked to me which is a shame, I bet she has a lot of interesting theorems to share.
The dude is in an affair with another guy behind my back, he sneaks out every night.
I didn’t realize he was going to include all his totems in our relationship! -and he left them everywhere! Do you know how much damage a totem can do to a wooden floor?
He kept drinking my Inferno Punch and passing out. Then he would have these weird dreams involving me, and Tentacles.
Then when I went out to find some, he up and left me.
We gave it another go. And it was decided that we were better in fits of passion than commitment. The booze we consumed I made sure it was worth the fund out of my pocket.
Divorced cos of our different styles…he’s void, I’m fel.
She had eyes for another.