You did it and you know it

You can’t handle the truth!

I do not make excuses. I take responsibility for actions I take, good or bad.

Not doing bad anymore though.

quietly takes bag of gold Pleasure doing business.

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Forgive me, father, for I have sinned.
/grabs innocent gnomish grandma by the neck
And I’m about to do it again.
/casts Lava Burst

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yer doing lights work friend…

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Dangit krom! She was the nice old gnome lady that made cookies!

“Suffer Well.”

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sighs You destroyed my lunch. You know how hard it is to get good gnome meat ever since most of them started slapping metal all over their bodies?

You should be grateful. It’s already cooked for you.

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Just have to make a deal with their ‘enhancement’ center, getting regular shipments of fresh meat is better than letting the replaced bits go to waste

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I would if there wasn’t obsidian bits all in the meat afterwards. snickers

Ooooo now there’s an idea!

It was coming right for me!
easy come easy go, will you let me go


I’m guilty, your honor. I put my chocolate in her peanut butter, just like the voices told me to.

And it was gooooooood…

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I’m the Homelander, I can do whatever the bleep I want.

:zap: :zap: :zap:Lazerbeams

Dreadmoon made me do it under threat of great bodily harm.


I got a nice jingly bag of shiny coins that says it was the “other guy” that did it.

So shiny in fact, that it’s making it hard to see what’s goin’ on right now, and perhaps I was never actually here…or involved…


If I posted the video that Im thinking that would express it, Id be banned from the forum before I clicked out of the thread lol.
if I did it, I likely meant to do whatever it was and more likely proud of it.