You did Arthas dirty

I would pay in blood for this to happen. … Ok, maybe only if Metzen came back, and re-wrote things.


It is really disgraceful. And they do it on purpose. The people running the company, the lack of criteria they use when hiring. This is all on purpose. It is a way to protect their kind and push their ill subjective mindless understandings.
They want to dictate what is fun. What we should be looking for.
And we are the wrong people here. It is us that do not know how to have fun or admire good stories.

This is just disgraceful.


Except for the Arthas part I do agree with everything you said, they ruined decades of lore to fit in the Jailer.
It was about we get rid of Arthas for good, otherwise there would be no opportunity for new characters to develop since people keep asking for the same over and over.


“We need players to cut the nostalgia and stop talking about Arthas and how great things were back in the days!”
So instead of doing a better lore, a better art work, we gonna make the past look like crap.

I don’t even know how I could possibly expect anything beyond this.


Dang, that was pretty savage. Not far from the truth but still.


Honestly, it wouldn’t bother me in the slightest, in fact it would be nice.


A mighty assumption.

Arthas’s crimes were terrible, but they were done in service of Nerzhul, his master. It was not personal until people got in his way and made his job harder. The sacking of Lordaeron was ordered by the Lich King to give the scourge a foothold in Azeroth (the eastern kingdoms).

He went to Quel’Thalas to do a job… and Sylvanas and her rangers resisted him at every turn. He even gave them the opportunity to step aside. In fact when he reached the Sunwell he claimed that the raising of Quel’Thalas was because of their relentless and irritating resistance to his mission. He gave them a chance, they fought him and he took it personally. He was there for the Sunwell, not to slaughter the elves directly.

Arthas pre Frostmourne did literally everything wrong, the fact that you don’t get to make choices doesn’t mean they didn’t exist, it means they weren’t the story being told, so the argument is already bad but…

“Arthas with frostmourne committed genocide because it was more convenient” is not actually a better thing.

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Pre frostmourne Arthas did… hmmm two things wrong? The purging of Strat was to stop the further spread of the plague when he knew that the city was infected… maybe not everyone but there was no time to waste. It was terrible… but it was the smart thing to do.
And he destroyed his own boats and blamed the mercenaries to keep his men from leaving before Malganus was delt with. The betrayal of the mercenaries was the worst part of that really… but yeah the ship burning was a dick move.

Other than that he did pretty well considering his circumstances.

And your argument seems very focused on the things a man with no soul, and no real free will did… and not at all acknowledging the fact that Sylvanas has done just as bad and worse… waaaayy more times in her life time. All of which was done knowingly, purposefully and completely of her own free will. While Arthas was a tool after he was taken by the Lich King. Just because he had a personality does not mean it was his choice to do everything. He followed the orders of his master, who was very much in control of him.

“Arthas with frostmourne committed genocide because it was more convenient” as apposed to Sylvanas who did it just to spite a dying elf, and did it to further feed the maw and thus her own powers… out of a selfish desire to avoid the damnation that was rightfully her own. She did it because she wanted too… she could have chose not to do it… because unlike Arthas, she had actual free will at the time of her choices… therefore she is worse than he was.


Nah. Arthas left the Warcraft game after Wrath, but he’s been with the characters, a trauma that haunts them, since. Jaina dealt with her trauma in BfA; Uther in the Bastion Covenant campaign. This was a great way to see Sylvanas deal with her Arthas trauma.

The characters and the players need to move on from Arthas. He’s been nothing more than a shadow over the WoW story and characters for a decade. I thought this was a great way to let everyone move on. Anything more dramatic or involved would have been lame.

I agree, but I think the Last Jedi was good for Star Wars. Having everything in the entire universe always tie back to the same 5 characters is boring and incredibly limiting for future stories. The universe and its fans need to let old characters die and new characters flourish. Star Wars F’d that up with Rise of Skywalker: Rey being a nobody and the Resistance being everyone allows for lots more characters to shine and us to fall in love with them. Instead, we’re left with the same dead ends that lead to 40 year-old characters.

Arthas coming back for some big redemption or heart to heart with all these people whose lives he ruined would not have done his character Justice and would have been “Rey is a Palpatine” terrible.


Tlj made me hesitant to watch ep 9. It made me pirate solo so spite Disney. Also Rey isn’t a skywalker. We never got our reunion of classic characters like we never got to see arthas period. In addition to getting Jake skywalker treatment to arthas. Last Jedi and the new wow writing only makes me care less about the story and just angry. I don’t even give a damn about spoilers anymore I’ll just tell people don’t get your hopes up you won’t see arthas to returning players if they ask.

My whole thing is what the heck is the Primus doing during all this? Isn’t he the military commander of the Shadowlands?


i play this game at this point just to have something to do i quit caring about lore after WoTLK when the game went down hill, my advice dont look to much into the lore of wow anymore and just zombie mode through the game.

The story overall in this expansion was terrible. They had so many opportunities to bring back old characters in the afterlife and they squandered it. In the end you could have at least had Arthas appear and have a conversation with Uther and Jaina before going away.


Honestly, I feel a lot of people would be less mad if Jaina & Uther at least got there own dialog; but it feels like Blizzard is scared of doing longer cinematics even if it offers closure to players. I didn’t mind the dialog of Sylvanas up to where she said it was her burden to bear - but what was said after that, was frustrating … like Arthas is not one to be forgotten; his legacy has literally scarred Azeroth and the lives of so, so many.

Honestly I wouldn’t mind if all the faction-war stuff from BFA and the entirety of Shadowlands was retconned, especially since it means it would retcon their retcons.

I use to love the lore of this game with such a fervor passion, now it’s broken me & I just feel so sad and depressed when I think about it. :frowning:


Yeah. It’s a bummer. At least the game is fun to play though.

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Blizzard and all of the gaming industry has run out of unique ideas so they all only rely on full on uncreative, highly predicable retcon now.

I’m gonna be in the minority that didn’t mind this ending for Arthas

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