You can't nerf incursion XP after all the botters and streamers are done leveling

Come on now, some of us may want to level some alts up quickly.

Can we get a streamer to dislike the nerf so they won’t do it please?


YES please dont nerf… i was looking forward to actually being in the current phase level bracket for once


They will. Because they refused to do PTRs now, they essentially gift all the benefits to the first 10% of the population, and slam the door on everyone else. They can’t keep it this way either because it’s game killingly cheesey. So SoD is screwed for now.


They should still be a solid method for leveling since you don’t have to travel as much and even the kill quests have hyper spawns.

The goal should be that all methods of leveling are very close and you get to pick which one you want.


They aren’t nerfing the xp.

Yes they are.


There’s certainly a degree of irony in how people whined endlessly about how dungeon grinding was “the only way” to level in phase 2 and how it needed to be nerfed, yet in phase 3 we get incursions that are being nerfed to be more in line with the other methods of leveling but that’s just uncalled for and a total slap in the face…The devs just cannot win with this community


Yep and they’re adding a minimum of another 25% to Discovery delight.

The incursion quest benefit from Discovery delight.

Basically incursions will stay the same and all that they’re really doing is making it so other experience methods look a little better to do.


Time will tell.

It depends on how much they actually nerf the incursion xp.

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Not calling you out specifically but it even says they’re increasing Discovery delight experience and reducing incursion experience to offset the increase.

no one reads that part though they just read the part where they’re decreasing the experience of incursions.


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No I read that part but them increasing the xp buff to 75% won’t really keep the incursion xp the same if they say cut by like 80%.

I’m ok with this. The only downside is, that the questing zones haven’t been overpopulated to the point where I can’t get anything done. They’re still crowded, but with so many players in Ashenvale, I was able to quest and level at a reasonable pace. If the tables turn, more people will flood Tanaris, Badlands…etc.

It was nice having all the sweats in one zone and the rest of the zones just filled with chill people.

I mean I could be wrong but the way I read it is they want to keep incursions the same but buff the other ways of leveling.


IDK why people say “sweats”, what does this even mean?

Cant anyone run in a circle and turn in quests??

Cant everyone watch mechanics and press their buttons?

I mean there is different skill levels in all games but the term “sweat” is always such an odd thing to read.

Like you know most of us all have jobs and families and friends too right?

Like people think better players do anything different than them.


Adding rep to it made it the only way to level. Perhaps rep gains shouldn’t have started until level 50. The incursions, themselves, are a good idea. Bugs and bad implementation aside. They can win by putting non buggy, properly implemented ideas into play.

I recommend a PTR.


Nerf it after lots of people already used it to get to 50? Blizzard is full on Simple Jack.


Could be right.

I can see it going either way with the wording.

They aren’t nerfing it.

People who worry about efficiency. The constant need to get there as fast as possible. In reality, whether or not you get there this week or next week matters very little. “Sweaty” players are players who try too hard, min/max their games, or take the path of least resistance to achieve their goals quickly. It’s a rather ubiquitous term.

For instance, I’m casual when it comes to WoW, but I’m sweaty when it comes to Diablo.

If you are attaching a negative to the word “sweaty”, then you are perceiving it as a negative.

I have 4 children, 2 DnD campaigns, a full time job, 2 dogs who love walks, a workout routine, and a woodworking hobby. I hit level 50 yesterday, by only doing 2 incursion missions after realizing that it wasn’t for me. I also finished a mini rocking chair for my youngest son yesterday.

I don’t feel any less behind than anyone else who hit level 50 day 1. If you’re like me, your time is important. Don’t use your spare time efficiently, make sure you are using your spare time to have fun.


Yes I doubt they want their new thing to be worthless.

Nerfing it at all would make it useless.

I think they want other avenues of leveling to be worthwhile.

Hence the way it’s worded.

Heck they even said that kill quests in incursions will be better.