You can't have what Nost had

Seemed pretty clear to me.


Nope, just a random idiot making pointless posts. You probably win most pointless post of the day, and probably rank top 10 for the week.

you seem like…

unnecessarily angry lol

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Beats stupid.

You don’t seem to understand how the layering system is going to work and you’re crying that “you” can’t have what Nost had.

sick burn man, you must get all the ladies from your moms basement

This thread is going places. Congrats on top 10.

is English your first language???

“you” does not equal “I”

If i say : You should go to bed

that doesnt mean I want to go to bed

Mmmmmm tasty lag for everyone!!

No I got what you meant. You were trying to conjure up nostalgia for Nostalrius and comparing it to how you imagined Classic is going to be. But you were speaking down to people like a teacher.
It was funny. That is all.

You arent getting that.

Kaivax just told us in the sticky that they have raised the cap of online people for this era but they arent raising it any further than the current undisclosed higher amount.

But they stated Medium today >>>>> High of 2006, so thats like at LEAST twice as many to the player cap. So with 3k people the cap on people in vanilla, expect 6k at the very LEAST.

And as someone who knows exactly what that was like during the launch of the PvE Nost relaunch, its full and bristling with people, without being absolutely ABSURD the way 15k is.

Its a happy mixture.

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Hmmm… and here I thought Classic Stress Test felt VERY similar…

No, this is incorrect.

The servers can host many more characters than they could in vanilla but the amount of characters active IN-GAME at any given time will still be limited to 3k.

Queues will take the place of layers, as stated in the OP.

With layers, it’ll be either 12k based on their statements, or 45k based on streamer claims.

But in 3k layers.

who or what, is nost?

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Medium LAYERED realms are more than vanilla realms

If layers are here to prevent queues then why will there be queues at launch?

Layers are here to help ensure the game is playable, not to limit queues specifically. While it does help initially with queues at launch, layering is more about ensuring the game is playable at launch. 12,000 players online trying to quest simultaneously in Elwynn forest would be an absolute nightmare. When they remove layering they won’t suddenly jump queues up to compensate. If that was the case, why even have layers in the first place? :man_facepalming:t2:

Layers are not meant to help with queues. They are meant to help with inevitable player drop off which killed many servers in the past.

Queues will happen regardless, but layering has the secondary effect of slightly alleviating them early in the game’s life.

Nost (Nostralus) is the private Vanilla server that pretty much led us to Classic WoW.

Without Nost, all we have is Azerite Gear.

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