Hello. First of all I wanna say that I have done this quest at least 10 times, no joke. I know how to do it.
The quest in question is And end to all things https://www.wowhead.com/quest=12779/an-end-to-all-things
if ANY ballista touch you, you get one shot. Falling down from your brood and getting slaughtered. If you shoot your brood main attack 2 times, you run out of mana, and its not even close to killing a ballista or a scarlet crusader. If you go down to try and eat one to replenish your mana, the devour itself don’t kill a scarlet crusader, meanwhile you still can’t get hit. And by then, they already regen back up to full.
Right now it’s ugly. You get to this part and there’s people on chat asking what the f is going on, death bodies everywhere, and the only people that get it done, group up in full partys and “fight ww3 to finish the dk main story quest” as one in my group said today.
Hope that’s fixed.
Thank you