You can't criticize covenants without criticizing fundamental aspects of MMO

This apply to races and professions

This applies to races and professions to a lesser extent.

It has enough impact to make raiding guilds switch factions.

No, classes are the biggest packages, while covenants are smaller ones.

Not all the time some specs and talents work differently with gear, making you have to farm multiple sets to have this level of freedom you are talking about.

Point me to an MMO RPG tha doesn’t have this

You are just exaggerating to make a point. Just like you are ignoring the problem with classes to make a point.

Than complain about what you see, not against the concept. This is the point of this thread.

Oh ok, so my mythic raiding history and my 2k io is not enough experience. Got it.

Oh so you are an experienced this before in your history as game developer and found this to be impossible? I think you are not being fully honest with me.

Even on a fully balanced game there will be a best covenant for each spec, this is inescapable on an mmo rpg. The only way to not have this is to make everything the same.

And that is a fair criticism. Are you against professions as well?

I stay pretty on top of the forum threads lately about covenants, mostly because I’m bored, and I have never seen a single post created about covenants being removed, ever. Nobody wants or has asked for that.

Which abilities? The nodes in the soulbinds or the signature and class ones?

Look, I dont like it, but that’s where the game is at now. I don’t like flying, I don’t like paid character services & boosts, but they exist.

So? It still means that racials arent entirely inconsequential. I like how you didnt acknowledge EMFH though. An ability that effectively let you have 3 trinkets. Stoneform was my savior more than once against rogues, good times, and even now on my dark iron, fireblood is pretty dang good, about on par with a trinket with how much strength is gives me.

Yeah, the story of your class hall, is tied to your class. Story, Aesthetic & Power.

Then let’s talk about making covenants even more impactful & versatile within themselves, not making 1/3rd of the package as meaningless as which talent you pick for a boss.

That’s weird, I actually respect the acknowledgement that they could very well fail, and preparing in case that winds up being true. A backup plan for Azerite, Essences, and Corruption would have been reassuring for the #%!$show the first and last turned out to be.

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If history hadn’t shown that Blizz can’t pull this off, nobody would be complaining.

You keep trying to say that other things are like covenants, they are not.
That single part of your argument will never work.
The reason they want to push covenants is because they are different, because we don’t have a choice like that in the game.

Races and professions don’t homogenize as they have low impact.

What top guilds do should never be mentioned, they don’t play the game the same way as most people.

Yes so one is terrible make the math.

And that should be enough.

Tons of rpgs have less systems than wow.

4000 likes on a thread on the beta forums agree covenants are not working, but I’m exagerating xd

Strawman as I’ve explained they’re not comparable.

So you agree that the concept of covenant will fail as it can’t be balanced.

Maybe I read too much into it, but that’s how I’ve interpreted some of the posts made, and I’m mostly positive that Asmongold has said at one point in time that the entire concept is just stupid & shouldn’t happen, I can’t say with 100% certainty though.

So they just shouldnt try anything then? I think that’s dumb. I want Blizzard to experiment more, not less.


The combat abilities mostly.
But you could make a case of signature abilities also if combat abilities are more balance that signature abilities would be the break point since they are very different.

The nodes in the soulbinds are mostly passives, that will for sure cause minor issues. But it isn’t my main concern about it, I’m more concerned everyone get the same ones.

Then you should read more of the criticism, because there are a lot of other concerns besides that.

They’ve experiemented on the beta, they can fix the issue by #pullingtheripcord. Or we can hope they nail it, but that doesn’t seem where they are heading.

yes blizzard has a great track record of doing this. if they cant even balance talents what makes you think they can do it with covenants?

A ****en men. They should just forget trying to balance this game and pop out as many classes/specs/talents as they can for gameplay variety. Balance is a fool’s errand so they just need to retweak numbers every 3 months and throw the meta out of wack constantly for the player base to try and figure out the next meta.

They should try things, but people are going to expect the worst for a while until they prove that they can get it right.

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Don’t mind us over here looking at Legion Legendaries, BfA Azerite Armor, Azerite Traits, Essences, Corruption and to top it all off Class balance for proving to us that Blizzard can not Balance systems correctly.

It’s like, we have 4.5 years of evidence to back our claims. Funny how dis :b:

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Good points, and I would agree if they were well balanced and offered at least some parity within each covenant between the specs of any one class. One is best for my healer, another best for my dps… It creates an unnecessary barrier to gameplay imo.

If this was a game where you were locked to spec choice the whole time, fine, sure, this argument makes sense - but your not - you can change between 3 roles anytime - however the covenant system restricts that in a way we haven’t really be restricted before.

Needs better balance is all Im saying I guess…

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Yes, that tends to happen when youtubers obsess over something.

You didn’t, you just keep making special pleading falacies to say one is ok and the other isn’t, by pointing to irrelevant characteristics.

No, it is impossible to have perfect balance in MMOs, balance is subjective, specially when it is more complex than just a number. And it is ok to not have perfect balance. What is not ok is for one to be too far behind, and we should focus on fixing that instead of ripping the entire system apart.

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Just curious what happens when the class you play the most(or if you only play one class seriously) becomes the bottom of the barrel and what you have been playing for 3 months is garbage?

My perspective is that if they already see the issues, and have plenty of feedback that it’s not working, but insist on going forward for whatever reason, they’ve already done a disservice to the players. It’s not like this stuff has been a surprise to everyone.

Why spend entire expansions fixing stuff people told you was broken before launch? That time could be new dungeons/raids/bgs etc.

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