I thought I was going to be clever and equip some better gear by just replacing all my 239s with crafted 262s.
Haha. Lol. You got me.
So not only was crafting a complete joke to begin with in Shadowlands except for food, but it’s pointless too.
I thought I was going to be clever and equip some better gear by just replacing all my 239s with crafted 262s.
Haha. Lol. You got me.
So not only was crafting a complete joke to begin with in Shadowlands except for food, but it’s pointless too.
It was almost good… almost… they detected fun, therefore they made adjustments to kill the said fun.
There is always a catch when things are too good to be true.
Indeed. lol
Just grumpy I spent so long grinding rep for some reason on my human paladin so I could make the Crafters Mark only to find out you can only equip one item. Had I known this I would have played better games this weekend.
Did you not read what the item said before you made all of that?
I mean it’s a piece of almost Heroic ilvl gear that you can make for extremely cheap.
It’s a nice leg up to start gearing or back luck protection if you can’t seem to find a piece to fill that slot. Crafting isn’t really meant to replace the entire gear progression system, and if it was it certainly wouldn’t be for that cheap.
I’m a bootlicker for suggesting you could have read the item before overcommitting?
Reading is hard who plays a game just to read
Why would they implemented crafted gear that way?
Are the pieces that powerful?
The current state of Shadowlands:
It’s the same way the 230s in 9.1 worked. It has that note on the tooltip.
It’s a library for ants!
The crafted 262 socketed rings/necklaces are probably going to be the best until you get 278 socketed, which is pure RNG.
Dont fret too hard, friend. When heroic/mythic SoD was going strong, this popped up with the 200/233 crafted gear as well. Bunch of people bought some 200 gear, equipped it, then though they could do the same with the 233 crafted, only to have a full set bought/crafted and only can equip one of the 233’s.
People is me. I am people. But when I did that, then came to the forums… I was not alone haha.
They never miss an opportunity
What’s “good” crafting to you?
Gathering some ore from the world for a couple hours and crafting Heroic Level armor in every slot?
Crafting has to keep actual content in mind.
Either it can produce good gear, but in limited amounts (see: the Crafted-Equip limit, or back in the day when you could only actually get 2 recipes… and they dropped in the appropriate difficulty of Raid for the ilvl).
It can have no limits and function as alt/returning player/new player gear catchup.
We have both right now. You can use crafting to fill a slot you’re struggling in with a high ilvl piece, and you can use crafting to get up to a strong baseline ilvl to start the current patch.
I don’t see that as a problem. Crafting being too strong is one of the most demotivating design choices to me. I don’t give a single damn about gear in FFXIV because I can spend chump change on the AH for 2nd BiS.
I’d rather be able to equip double crafted than double legendaries.
You thought you were going to be able to equip a full set of heroic-raid level gear just from stuff you can buy on the auction house? Fascinating. Tell me more.
I mean it does say you can only use one.
I did this exact same thing, bought a couple of items without recalling (reading) that I could only wear one.
Why do you feel that they ‘got you,’ and not that you ‘got myself?’
I mean, if the coffee cup reads, ‘caution, contents hot when heated.’ and you still get burnt…