You can admit it or not about PVP

Its done, I think, for good…

1: Real Balance issues not being corrected at all.
2: Same tired maps.
3: Epics are a gaming abomination.
(For a game type that requires 40 players on each side and can take up to 30 minutes to finish, the overwhelming majority of them are done within the first 5 minutes and then it becomes better to take 15 min deserter than wait for a loss…)
4: Same tired classes leading boards…
5: Arena PVP is just a joke…
6: SS scoring is a joke…

Its not that blizzard became bad at it, its that they don’t care for it. I think at this point if they could, they would scrap it all together.


They couldn’t make it any more obvious that they don’t care about PvP anymore.


They are literally trying to revive BGs right now, and from what I’ve seen it looks awesome. I think it was more that whoever the guy is that just quit, the one in charge of PvP, didn’t care about PvP. There have been a lot of changes since he left.

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they should care about it more, because in their own survey pvp came second over all as the players favorite activity right behind m+, would be foolish not to.


ive said a million times over the years; look after pvp to keep your subs. REvamp it, and your subs will swell like a fat kid at a pizza party


I think that’s only true of Wintergrasp.

Epics have been plagued for pugs because of premades.

Anyways I don’t see how Blizz didn’t take advantage of making different modes/BGs during their time. A Battle royale map with 60 players, teams of 3? This is an instant Win. So many ideas and options out there, but they’ve sat on their butts. They should push new BG content whether its rated or not who cares.

Formed Arena has been declining for a while now and its obvious with SS people would rather just Solo queue into things.

PvP needs to evolve, new maps, and new modes. Yet they kept pushing a 3v3 dinosaur mode that clearly participation has TANKED like no other.

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AV - Though a little faster, the team that brings down two towers first overwhelmingly almost always wins. It literally is just a race to the boss… Boring.

Ashran - Whoever gets Tree or Kron wins. Becomes a slow loss. Only chance is an exploit to get boss by by passing everything you should have to do to kill the boss. after that first fight, its over.

WoW PVP has never been good, who cares tho? Can still enjoy it.

I wouldn’t know one way or the other.

As soon as they took away the pve reward I stopped turning Warmode on. I only ever had it on just long enough to get said reward.

PvP is WAY less popular than the PvP shills will ever admit.


we need rewards again in PvP that are tied to power and progression.

currently in PvP, there is nothing for me to work towards or look forward to or grind for or work to achieve or even hope that I get some lucky RNG for some cool pvp legendary…

its nice to be able to look at a really cool piece of gear that gives you alllll kinds of cool exotic powers and say, “wow, i can’t get that unless im 2400 rating” or “i cant earn that cool 2 handed axe unless ive done some legendary world pvp feat etc”

this is an mmo and I really love and I miss being able to get more powerful, get more skilled, and grind all in the same breath… it was such a staple of where it all started

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And they should. Or at least totally separate it out like they did with classic. The faction divide needs to go away and never come back. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:

There’s just so many better pvp games that don’t have to balance around pve, it’s not really a surprise. Pvp was always bolted on.

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Ummm yay?


I think it’s pretty clear that since Legion they’ve been trying to experiment and find ways to make PvP gearing more like PvE. When something fails, they keep trying, only harder. They’ve completely destroyed bgs between incentivizing geared players in premades to farm graveyards in all brackets in order to upgrade PvP gear. Party sync has been a disaster. But the goal was to reward those on the top with unlimited power and extra ganking fun for those who bought carries. Where did they think new PvP players were going to come from if not moving up from bgs?

Pvp has always been trash since everyone got 20 abilities

This 100% Everyone has anime super powers. Self heals. Bubble shields. Million forms of CC. Turbo life steal. Insane mobility.

Doesn’t arena get a new map every expansion?

He’s talking about bgs, which used to be the most popular form of PvP. Last got a new map at the end of Legion.

I know but devs only care about the version of PVP they try to market as E-Sport. BGs aren’t that, which is why they haven’t seen anything since Seething Shore.