You are not prepared-Arthas


New game mode that mixes different expansions together?

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Could be, but the roadmap didnt really have any indication of something like that…so maybe for classic?

Either that or its just a joke

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I think theyre testing AI in WoW. Same goes for that gnome barbershop bit.

I, uh, I don’t think this is too accurate lol.

Probably WoW from a non-WoW-player’s perspective.

Either that or they’re trying to trigger lore nerds lol.

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Garrosh looking weird lmao

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“No King rules forever… tempest keep was merely a setback!” -Cho’gall wielding Atiesh after the mana bomb blew up the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

Pretty sure this just be one of them me-mes. You know the ones that misquote historical figures n such. It takes it a step further.

Thralls definitely looked better!

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We already had that.

WoD: BC setting with Classic bad guys.

Legion: WotLK setting with BC bad guys.

BfA: Cataclysm setting with Wrath bad guys.

Live long and nano-nano.
Captain Rex Kramer

Damn jaina lookin rough

And then we had to go fight Illidan riding Deathwing and Hogger riding Gamon, all in THE BEST WOW ZONE EVER, Nagrand!

What is even going on in this image

My what big tusks you have Illidan. You looking a little green? Feeling ok?

:ocean: :cyclone: :ocean: :cyclone: