"You are not in a guild"

I am in a guild, it shows I am in a guild on the left side of community tab, but I can not access my guild bank. It just says “You are not in a guild” when clicking on guild bank…


I have been having this issue after yesterday maintenance as well. So far there are no blue posts that I can find that indicate that they are aware or that they are working on a fix. This issue also seems to be related to when I try to access my guild bank and the subsequent issue with not being able to deposit or remove items from my guild bank.

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I’m having the exact same issue and i am the GM. I have alts on the same account and n the same guild that do not have the issue.


Same problem here. Only on one toon though.

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Fixed it.

Exit game completely, open the file that hold the game. Rename the WTF, Cache, and Interface files to WTFOLD, CacheOLD, and InterfaceOLD. If you have done this in the past, as
I have, rename the files to WTFOLD2, CacheOLD2, and InterfaceOLD2.

It took me a bit to discover the problems as they appeared in the past, I’ve been playing for
18 years and this works.

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Sadly this doesn’t work. Myself and a few friends all tried, and the problem still exists. Quite a few posts about the bug as well still.

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Exactly my issue as well and after receiving a ticket response and performing those standard UI resets the issue persists.

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Happening to me too. Valdrakken crashes me and I tried in Dalaran I get the you are not in a guild.

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In hopes of a miracle I tried again with Avengersbug suggested and still doesn’t work.

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Our whole guild is having this issue and not being able to see any of the guild members either.


I recently got that error.


I’m having the same problem. Just tried to access my guild bank in Valdrakken. Received the ‘you are not in a guild’ error. I’m the GM of the guild. All addons were turned off, I reloaded the game, etc. No luck.

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Same thing is happening to at least one of my alts (I haven’t checked them all). I can see my guild tab, but when I try to access the guild bank, I get 'You are not in a guild."

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Lots of guild issues, and posts about it on the forums, but not a single Green or Blue response. It’s disappointing.

Best thing you can do is keep replying to these so the topics stay at the top of the Bug forum. Maybe they’ll notice then?

I’m sure it’s already been noticed in the only way that matters: the bug report has been picked up by QA and forwarded to the developers’ work queue to be resolved according to their schedule, available resources, and priorities.

But generally they don’t talk about them.

To me, an issue where the Guild system is broken in game for over a week, seems like one that should be addressed by the company.

People cannot ginvite, gkick, change notes, see who’s online/offline, use the gbank, use guild repairs, etc.

There needs to be some sort of communication here, but don’t take my sole opinion on it. Look at all the posts and others complaining about the lack of communication.

No argument from me here.

But they just got done fixing other issues which I guess they regarded as higher priority (or, at least, quicker to fix).

Sometimes, your issue isn’t judged to be the most important to fix. Sometimes, it actually is a priority to fix, but the solution is hard to find or time-consuming to implement.

And there’s no way of telling if the devs don’t talk about it, which they rarely do.

If they talk about it, they have to acknowledge it’s a problem and try to fix it in a reasonable amount of time. I’m not a huge fan of their lack of transparency.

OTOH, ambiguity saves them a lot of arguments.

The priority decisions you don’t publicize are the decisions you don’t have to defend.

I mean, sure it makes players unhappy. But from the company’s perspective, player happiness is generally not particularly important, as long as they stay in the game (engagement). If you kept grinding, they’re ecstatic, and the fact you hate every second is completely immaterial.

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I woke up today hoping the fix was part of today’s maintenance. :expressionless: Sadly, no. My main guild issue has been achievements not being acknowledged. I assume it’s part of the rest of the guild issues. I’m 22 levels away from a long slow slog of Staying Classy on my personal guild. Still not taking the last few class/race combos popped.

edit: I have been experiencing intermittent guild bank issues as well. Seems random.