"You are not in a guild" - guild was wiped with the patch

So it appears as though the patch has broken our guild. Our guild does not appear to exist any more, our GM just logged on and he’s also getting “you are not in a guild”, guild bank no longer exists… Entire guild wiped.

And no, it was not disbanded before shutdown last night. Logged off being in a guild, logged on and no more guild.

We had sever transferred before the start of this current tier and perhaps this has affected it? But can this please be fixed?

Server is the Khaz’Goroth server group. Guild is Conviction (Alliance).


We were just bit by this as well; the second any of our guild members log in, they’re being automatically removed from the guild, so I warned our guild master to NOT log in, in order to preserve our guild bank and other stuff.

Just to provide some history, during 9.1 we faction and server transferred from Proudmoore Alliance to Illidan Horde.


We weren’t kicked out as we logged in. The guild wasn’t there at all. The guild has basically disappeared from the server with the patch. The GM logged on to see if this was an issue of people being kicked automatically and he’s no longer in a guild and the G-Bank is gone along with the guild and he’s also guildless.


Our GM hasn’t logged in yet because we’re not sure what will happen when they do, and we’re afraid of what they’re going to see.


Same here. We also server transferred (and faction changed) from Sargeras Alliance to Illidan Horde, but we moved months ago, for 9.1. My alts on the original Sargeras Alliance guild are still there though.

Immediately upon logging in, there was a message saying I left the guild, then many messages saying I was no longer in a guild.

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At any rate, this website confirms there is a guild. It’s just wiped from in-game. I would imagine there will be a fix to this shortly (hopefully). The GM logged in just in case to see, as there were some in chat saying they had an issue but they were the GM and they were still in guild.

If this does happen, I’d recommend not reforming the guild…

I’ve seen some dodgy things with patches, I’ve seen guildbanks wiped, mail wiped, etc. I’ve never seen a patch wipe entire guilds from existence.


Linking these 2 threads

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I wonder. Do all the guilds have something in common? We server transferred and faction transferred from Whisperwind - Alliance to Thrall - Horde in Nya’lotha. I’ve also tried turn off all my addons and that did not stop my characters from leaving.

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It seems the main thing is that we all faction changed our guild this expansion. My guild faction changed for 9.1.

This isn’t an addon issue. This is a patch issue.

Our GM logged on and he’s also out of the guild. We have some officers who haven’t logged on and won’t, just in case. Our guild exists in the armory. So this is something with the patch in game.

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We changed prior to this expansion

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My guild is also gone, transferred from Proudmoore Alliance to Illidan Horde 5 months ago.

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Oh man! I feel for you. I came to the bug report forum due to the world server is down and seen your post. I checked out your character to view your guild just out of curiosity and the website also says your guildless :frowning:

Yeah, it’s not great.

The guild itself is still there on armory (for how long, no idea). But all of our guild tags have also been removed from our personal profiles. It seems to only be affecting guilds that server transferred. I would imagine they can fix it… Particularly given guild banks have also been wiped from existence.

When we get invited to other guilds, it says that if we accept the invitation, we will lose reputation with our guild, so that’s something, I guess…

I’ve seen some gnarly bugs with patches in my time in this game since Vanilla. This one has to be the biggest one thus far though.

It seems worse than it is. It’s something they can fix backend easily enough, but will probably mean server restarts as soon as they fix the cause.

Oh I suspect this can be fixed. It may involve a roll-back of some sort or other. Given it’s only affecting guilds that faction transferred, I’d imagine that’s a big part of the issue on their end. Whether they can fix it without breaking anything else remains to be seen.

My advice is to have at least one officer with gbank access not log on until this is fixed and yeah, don’t try and reform the guild at present.


This appears to have been fixed. If you have a toon in the guild that you haven’t logged into yet, it should still be there. In our case GM was passed onto another officer who hadn’t logged in yet. If all your toons were removed, just have someone who hadn’t logged into it yet, to log on and it should hopefully all be back. Test it first though, don’t have everyone who hasn’t logged on yet to log on…

If you were removed from your guild, you’ll need to be invited back into it by those who are still in it.

Can confirm! Setting our guild to allow all levels to accept invites and recovering.

love how no blue post and no solution to those that left that dont know about bug

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I’m so pleased to hear this issue has been fixed. I really felt for you guys when I was seeing the conversation in Trade chat this morning when you were all first logging on.

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