"You are in shapeshift form" - Can't shift back by using any spell

Newer shaman with a question and problem?

I can’t seem to no matter what keys I press I cannot cast anything to shift me out of ghost wolf form. No abilities are lit up, talked to a friend who mains a shaman in Pve/PvP and they said that this is an issue, they have no problem with shifting out of ghost wolf form by pushing an attack.

edit - /console autounshift 1 was suggested, but I can’t seem to use the 0 or 1 variant.

Are you using attack spells when you don’t have a target? If you don’t have a target, only spells castable without a target will take you out of ghost wolf, besides pressing ghost wolf again. There are also talents that make certain spells castable in ghost wolf form, so you’ll want to make sure it isn’t that.

For example, try casting healing surge while in ghost wolf, it should take you out of it. If it doesn’t, that sounds like a good bug report.

Spamming the heal whilst in ghost wolf and it doesn’t take me out of it.

Hm, alright I’ll figure it out, thanks for the info Gorgrom :>

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