Actually I bought the mount bundle, I’m not hating on what other ppl do with their money, it’s their money These comments are funny, Blizzard is a company trying to make money but they are wrong when they come out with a product ppl like and want to buy? Stop it already, the only reason ppl are complaining is they can’t afford it but will sit here and try and clown ppl that can, like we are making a critical mistake
Only way I’m making a mistake is by choosing this purchase if I know I need to eat instead.
Otherwise, forget y’all
I’m going to enjoy my mounts. Thanks Blizzard
“Why isn’t effort put into games anymore” people will cry while shoveling fistfuls of cash into the pockets of triple-A companies’ investors.
Option A: Spend tens of millions making a game over the course of a couple years. (Might be a flop, might make tons of money.)
Option B: Spend a few thousand dollars over the course of a few weeks designing and implementing a cash-shop item. (Will make guaranteed piles of money because an established fanbase cannot not spend money.)
What a difficult choice.
Guess I don’t see w/e is hilarious.
Dude was trying to say I was posting in response to everyone in this post, so he posted a screenshot of me once have back to back responses. So I posted a screenshot of me not having any responses.
People are just mad that others are spending their gold or money however they want and it’s sad, why get upset at someone who is having fun?
Hey! Cmon! They deserve that money for all the bug fixes!
Happy for you!
I’m not in a position or desire to get it myself but happy other people are able to get it.
What I’m disgusted with are our fellow human beings who we share this game with, believe it’s ok to insult anyone who purchased this mount. They need to grow up and behave.
I could easily afford anything on the store 10 times over, what is your point?
People who are spending $90 on a mount are likely too far gone to see why it’s egregious.
My issue is always with the company.
I actually have pity for the people spending that much on a mount that looks identical to a previous mount. It’s like a sickness.
Kicking your feet up takes work! Common those golden employee’s have to make money somehow. Nobody wants them fired, so pay up.
it didn’t return. except on the bmah, which is what people begged for.
it honesty already feels like the hype died off. no one sitting in dorn with it anymore, no more trains running around
They got their money so easily
I don’t complain when they offer a product and I pay, and I get it.
I complain when they stretch content thinner than the hair on a Chinese Crested dog, to milk sub money from the player.
I complain when they constantly raise the skill ceiling, design content only under half a percent of players will ever see, and restrict the best gear to a smaller and smaller percent of the populace, giving the rest of us less for our money.
I complain when they preface a deliberate content drought with a bag full of mounts and other goodies for purchasing a full year, essentially robbing people of the option to take a break when they can no longer get upgrades.
Brutosaur is fine and worth it. I bought one. (Wish I could take the armour off him at the Rostrum of transformation as he is too gaudy.)
I’m complaining more about the anniversary bronze and lack of being able to repeat on alts for more. The time gating is so annoying.
Brutosaur mounts are 100% worth it.
I insta bought it.
I was completely burnout on gold farming halfway into the OG bruto, so this one being THIS cheap is a complete steal.
Only ~1.5M gold too.
He clearly didn’t buy it, but his alt did.
Jealousy is an ugly trait, sparky.
Most people complaining about it didn’t. Either by choice or because we don’t have the money. It’s the silent majority that spend all this money, it’s why Diablo Immoral is the most profitable Blizzard game despite being hated by everyone online. Gamers ruined gaming and the Macro-Transactions are here to stay. This 1 mount costs as much as the collector’s edition for TWW. Keep that in mind.
Whatever, you know the point your being purposely disagreeable. Point is don’t worry about how I spend MY money
I just said I don’t have an issue with the people buying it, it’s the company.