You all know it. You do

If i had the time to play League i would. But i have a small child and cant sit for 40 mins at a time.

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Thatā€™s certainly the way the devs have thought, but itā€™s going against them now.

When all the casuals jumped ship in Shadowlands, players like you gleefully shouted ā€œtheyā€™ll be backā€.

Weā€™re still waitingā€¦

It makes me sad thinking of you dying please do not do that, but maybe in the next place we visit each other and live as our actual gnome angel beanie babies ā€¦ hope to see you here and there angel <3

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Well we got 20 years atleast for them to return. So, might as well have fun in the meantime!

yeahā€¦ no problem, now I NEED MONEY, and NO MONEY, NO WOW.

There are ways to do that today.

I had a Legion server working at home around the start of BFA. It was only on my computer, and I didnā€™t make it public to avoid any potential problems. It was a bit buggy, but it worked for the most part.

I will say that it was a totally different experience without any PCā€™s.

Iā€™d never do that while there was a legit option open though.

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Ready Player One actually directly referenced Azeroth as one of virtual worlds you could live on.

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I seem to remember Legion open world content being adjusted based on your item level, and I think M+ rewards were also adjusted, otherwise, weā€™d have been doing M+40 by the end of Legion.

For sure they were adjusting rewards by BfA.

I donā€™t know what this refers to, as requiring players to complete previous tiers of raiding to get to later tiers was an issue in TBC that cause a lot of problems. Itā€™s the reason why we have a plethora of gear catch-up systems since TBC.

It absolutely did.

If you played during Wrath, then youā€™ll know how stupidly easy Heroic dungeons became as the expansion progressed because their difficulty was never adjusted for higher gear item levels.

M+ fixes that in a way Challenge Modes did not.

M+ caters to a group of players who want fun, meaningfully challenge, small group content (as opposed to what Heroics had become post Wrath / Cataclysm: tedious and irrelevant).

In my experience, the players who lack patience are the ones who advocate for things like AI followers in higher level dungeons and / or an automated queue for M+ā€¦

I remember enjoying running Heroic PoS, HoR, and FoS and enjoying getting more powerful gear in it. Always found them challenging and never thought Iā€™d want to spam them hundreds of times. I was never in a serious raiding guild back then and had to buy things with tokens or get in a PuG. I still find PuGs to be a bit more wildly exciting then guilds.

Challenge Modes I recall scaled you when trying it out in Mists. It was interesting timed content that required good execution. It sucks dungeons were affected by it. The super speed clears get obnoxious, the large pulls get crazy too, and all the things people want to do to skip trash, cut pathways, and so on. It imo somewhat ruined the fun of dungeons and how they used to be designed without some timer attached and rando affixes.

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I thought I had quit wow at least twice and assuming this is my third time back Iā€™ve already spent $50 or so to transfer my character to my new guild server and Iā€™m likely going to pre-order war within. I give up wow is to addicting to quit


I mean Iā€™m not going to live long enough to see the next 3 expansions, so even if it ended at The Last Titan I wonā€™t be here for it.

If thereā€™s anything Iā€™ve learned through the years, itā€™s that one does not simply quit WoW.