Hit is such a dumb stat to begin with and is still dumb to this day. It doesn’t enhance anything and was only used so that you were able to actually hit something. It doesn’t add anything but a barrier and an additional stat to worry about. Same thing with Expertise.
I’d find a way to force people to buy something from the store every hour they play. I’ll push so many microtransactions down the players’ throats that I’ll quickly get promoted to V.P. of DLC and rake in the phat bonuses.
I would change things in ways that I think are good for the game and unintentionally end up making it a buggy unplayable mess with clearly broken specs that I have no idea how to rebalance without gutting them and starting again.
This talk of ‘getting back the glory days’ is really tiring. You can only go forward from this stuff, not backwards.
Court of Dragons
With the restoration of the Arbiter and the covenants in the Shadowlands, the heroes of Azeroth were free to return back to their native capitals. However, The magic within the Shadowlands has become rather unstable with the Arbiter’s returned presence in Oribos. Portalmasters agree to focus on creating one big portal with Jaina’s aid to help the group back onto the world…To a land that is on the other side.
-Core Mechanics-
A New Land: Displaced from your homeland and to yet a new one. It shouldn’t be too hard to get your bearings and an understanding of where you have just landed. The natives, who are mutual yet skeptical Drakonids, tell you that the land, in their tongue, means “Isle of Dragons.”
Sub-specs: Specs currently exist to enhance the fantasy of a class. Wanna be a Warrior with a Big weapon? Go arms. Two weapons? Fury. etc. The next step from here would be to at least add an enhanced talent tree that allows that spec to now fit within a specific role based on the current roles each class can currently participate in with the addition of newer roles for pure DPS classes so they aren’t stuck in a mudheap with a choice of only one queue to be in for LFGs.
Factions United: With lessons hopefully learned from the Pandaria conflict, both factions have reluctantly put aside their differences with the most uneasy peace for the sake of not repeating history once more. Players from both sides are now able to queue up together no matter which side of the war they were on.
Covenant Meld: Also for the sake of continuity, all covenant class-abilities will be melded into the enhanced talent trees with a new fresh look to match the fantasies of each class except Fae Guardians, that ability just sucks.
But who am I kidding, this guy is probably the oracle of our future.
Idk about any of that but the first thing I would do is fire the entire narrative department, apologize to the player base for letting them singlehandedly ruin this game, and reset the story back to the end of legion.
Honestly I think I’d split WoW’s future into 2 lines: One that pushes the MMO side (so keeping things like M+ and similar current systems), and one that pushes the RPG side (a la Classic). Call the second one WoW2 maybe I don’t know.
Just like now though you can do either with one subscription. MMO version revises the dungeon and raid system so there is “normal” and “hard” with extra buttons (like hard mode from Uldir) for extra challenges, or perhaps seasonal affixes in some places (apart from M+). Any character, any class, there are “factions” but open to any race and class. Less emphasis on story to spend time on tuning classes, powers, pvp, etc.
WoW2 on the other hand would be the other side of the coin. Heavy emphasis on more traditional rpg elements. LFR exists but gives no loot or currency (maybe aside from a few random greys or something) so running with a dedicated group is more rewarding. Professions important but expanded to allow more customizations. Heavy emphasis on story, keeping systems as simple as possible. More open world feel.
Perhaps both share the same overarching story lines, but one skims over the surface, and one dives deep into the world(s).
Laugh and then quit the next day when the forums blow up because they still “can’t play the way they want to”.
Or even better, you implement every idea that gets posted on the forum, no matter how stupid it is. It’s what the players wanted, right? They keep saying everyone, after all.
I loved everything in your entire post, and I support it all 110%. However, these points in particular:
WoW needs to hit the reset button, and get everything back on the same track. Classes, races, and professions must be their number one focus. If they adopted a FFXIV style profession system, with Rift’s Soul System for Talent Trees, with zero race/class restrictions, and zero CRZ, WoW2 would be an absolute juggernaut of a game.
Blizzard better do it before Ghostcrawler and Riot do it. SOMEBODY better do it before D&D or Pathfinder decides to go AAA. If one of these goes Triple A now, it’s over for the rest.
It’s called Besieged Until Tomorrow’s Twilight. It deletes sharding, tokens, boosts. Level scaling is gone. Brings back PVP servers. Restaffs Blizzard’s customer service and art department. Pump out about a million customization features, mounts, mogs that players can pay for. Make bank.
Instead of new zones we’d get new or expanded cities, in the old zones. Shops that are actually relevant. Maybe even player housing.
It ventures on betrail, twist and turns that lose races. The taurens have a divide where they the fel burning horns turns out that Bain is one and take them to the alliance. Void elf turns out were spies and now become neutral as some stayed an other return to blood elves. As the void elves search into why Lor’themar Theron was acting so strange. The voids found out that he was captured along with Sylvanas and two other leaders.
Void elf found out the Nightborne leader plotted with Nightelves to turn horde against itself. The twist was most Nightborne were against this and refused to join the alliance. They approach the worgen and found many did not like the way things were going. As they found out that alliances were secretly working with unknown Fel Being. A being who can shape change and assume any Identity.
So far they might be any horde or alliance hero. They are lead by Jaina Proudmoore and three others. This expansion will be a major shake-up. As orcs infighting results in an Orc War chief.
Neutral races
Worgen Horde side become apoplectic wolves
Tauren Alliance side becomes Fel brigade
Void elves Horde side become seekers
Nightborne Alliance side become tall fellows
The core mechanics is based on stones. Armour no longer has stats on them. You can put in or take out stones that have stats on them. The stones gain more power as you level them.
yes. Many spells lost is returning.
Bring back the ability and adding to sword and shield for a warrior, shaman, and paladin. As a fourth option.
Adding hunter ability to merge with the pet for tanking abilities. Dh will get two more choices: Inquisitor (range speck) and Spectrum (second tank spect). The priest will get another range dps spec. Warlocks will get a melee spec. Rogues will get a tank spec based on teleportation. Death Knights get a range DPS called Black death.
World of Warcraft: On Darker Tides.
Title subject to change.
Azeroth has changed much during the foray into the realms eternal. The absence of the old guard has given rise to new leadership and stoked the embers of conflict, lands once lost have been reclaimed, but a miasma of devilry permeates all. Murder and mayhem chart our course northward to islands shrouded in dark mystery; the portentous Dragon Isles.
The core game would be much the same as e’er it were, but with dailies in place of world quests and an emphasis on exploration; unmarked treasures, out-of-the-way quests, increased experience for discovery, things of that nature. I would also hope to add mounted combat, if not baseline then in the form of mount equipment.
New capitals would be I think the biggest thing apart from the island itself, the prime candidates being Gilneas, Gnomeregan, Kezan, and, if at all possible, a massive wandering caravan for Vulpera that roves the breadth of Kalimdor coming to rest hither and thither; though I expect that to cause no end of issues and so would also settle for a grand bazaar. To the racial reputations I would add various other sub-reputations that offer, among the usual fare, cosmetic sets reflective of their place or role in each society. All capitals would also henceforth be afforded the niceties proffered by the Ethereals.
The Isles themselves would be wildly dangerous, but hopefully made in such a way as to be safely navigable by the wary or well-prepared. The nights would be dark, the weather dangerous, the wilderness and beasts therein savage, but not one thing could not by profession or clever class-craft be conquered or in some way abated.
Gone would be dazing, the strider would again have its sea legs, and flight on the Dragon Isles would be attained solely through exploration from launch and be applied account wide. I would also lobby for the retention of our Covenant abilities, if at all possible, as I have grown quite fond of Door of Shadows.
Ultimately I could do naught to reclaim the glories of old.
At best I could hope that others enjoy it, if at all aught as I have suggested could even be managed in anything remotely resembling a timely manner.