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Some people may have already said some of this, it’s taken me a while to write it lol, and I made some coffee halfway through.
This makes some assumptions about how Shadowlands will end.
- Anduin and Sylvanus will “redeem” each other.
Not that Anduin needs redeeming exactly, he’s being controlled not doing this on his own. BUT, there have been a few moments in cinematics showing Sylvanus is maybe questioning her life choices, and may have a connection with Anduin. I saw it first in BFA trailer, when she has this kind of proud “I’d expect nothing less of you” look when Anduin stands and rallies the Alliance after seeing her rally the horde. Then in recent cut scenes there have been brief flashes of regret on her face about Anduin and what She and the Jailer are doing.
So this makes me think that they will get through it together, and maybe even form the kind of friendship that Jaina and Thrall have. I think this will really bring the factions together like never before.
I want the next expansion to tear down the barriers of the Horde and Alliance.
I don’t think they will go away completely. It might be more like ESO who does this very well. They have 3 factions that are race based, but individuals ignore these boundaries. You can find people of all the races in pretty much any location. Certain locations may be mostly within the faction (Like Summerset is mostly High Elves, but you can see all other races there too). They still have PVP based on faction as the 3 factions fight for Cyrodiil. But outside of that the regular people and the PC mingle.
So first key feature of my new expansion:
The disbanding of the Horde and Alliance, and the forming of the Azeroth Council, which has a representative of each race.
Current PVP Battlegrounds are added to Chromie Time, and also create “Timewalking Battleground” events akin to Timewalking Dungeons and another way to get time tokens.
New Battlegrounds are added (Not yet sure what the stories of these would be, or how “sides” would be decided. But without the factions it could be more than just two sided. Maybe skirmishes between the specific races? I don’t know, I’d have to give it more thought). Maybe each new expansion has us choosing a side. Maybe one new Battleground could be Aldor vs Scryers, and one could be based on SL Covenants.
Add a new PVP zone, maybe revamps Silithis with the massive sword, maybe the sword is doing something there, maybe its still leaking Azerite or whatever, so its just a all out brawlfest between everyone to get the resources there or something. I dunno. But a massive PVP zone akin to Cyrodiil in ESO that’s teams capturing points or just farming honor. Maybe throw world quests in there too. Always keep it current with rewards from whatever xpac we’re on.
So far this seems really PVP based and I don’t even PVP lol. But I just want to make sure that the disabling factions works for the PVP side of things, I don’t want PVPers to be left out of updates and new stuff just because we don’t know how to do PVP without factions. Or it could also be that factions only matter in PVP, like in ESO.
- Open up all cities and zones to everyone. Night elves can go to Orgrimaar and talk to people there, interact with NPCs. And maybe even offer a path to build up reputation with Horde races. Maybe this culminates in the player being able to choose to become Horde?
The next big thing will be opening up more race/class combos.
- Introduce new versions of the class halls, updated for the new expansion, in which the classes are openly recruiting new members from both alliances. Druids are willing to welcome anyone who has a love of nature and train them in the ways. Paladins will welcome all who walk in the Light. Warlocks secretly convince even Draenei and Night Elves to learn of their type of magic. Even Demon Hunters are accepting the other races, bringing in those who lost loved ones and homes in Legion and want their vengeance too.
I also wouldn’t mind player housing, but I leave it at that and move on.
New Customizations, especially for Allied Races, which will now include some from SL
Revamped Crafting, which now includes crafting furnishings, but also allows crafters to find/buy/farm appearance recipes that let them craft transmog unlocks of old tier sets and stuff. Cosmetic, stat-less pieces of gear sellable on the AH.
Now, as to the theme of the expansion. I really don’t know. I feel like its all be done before. How many more times can we protect Azeroth from various evil forces, and what is left? There is the Void/Shadow. Perhaps the Shadowlands now opens up the Universe to players, and it will find us going to other planets to fight a growing void threat? This might also explain why Shadowlands Denizens are choosing to join Azeroth races and leave the Shadowlands for a new life - because they are needed.
There would be a new cross-faction hub city, maybe even just Oribos, that now contains portals to various other planets. We won’t be able to fully explore entire planets, that’s insane, but we’d be able to go to one area/zone on each maybe?
I dunno, the expansion theme is really up in the air, and I’m starting to ramble and lose focus. But I would like them to double down on class fantasy and class halls and recruiting more races to the various classes, maybe gearing up for some big intergalactic war against the void, who knows. And disbanding the factions.
And yes, its all 100% designed around my selfish desire to play a Vulpera or Tauren druid with my Alliance friends.
Engage with the community on a meaningful way:
Before each patch, make different polls about the suggested buffs/nerfs a class needs. The most voted modifications will be implemented.
So basically, the players tell us how to do our jobs. The players make this game.
If after this, people still keep complaining, then I don’t know what to do. We read you, we heard you, implemented the changes the players desired and you’re still not happy? I’s probably resign from the company.
A poll/questionaitr would probably be something like this:
- What changes do Holy Priest need?
- Does Prayer of Healing need buffing? Why or why not?
- What is your suggested buff to PoH or raw percentage?
- Should we instead implement a raw percentage healing aura across the spells?
Over the course of the few months, we have been aware of player disatisfaction with Convoke the Spirits. We agree that is it too powerful of an ability and have seen its power in rated pvp.
- Do you agree that this ability must be nerfed?
- What is your suggested percentage nerf? (10%, 20% or 30%) (or a flat number typed by the players). The average of all the votes would be the final nerf
- Rework this ability for us, in a way that you consider it to be balanced.
Obviously more polished than that, but that’s the general idea.
rehire everyone that worked for blizzard during the mop era
undo all changes made from legion-present, barring wqs and solo experiences
recreate the love letter to mop we deserve
fire anyone who so much as speaks of borrowed power with no proper foundation after it’s removed
also hard push to become an independent studio
More content for casuals.
More pet battles. New PvP pet battle scenarios where you fight multiple players’ pets, instead of just one at a time.
Professions would get a revamp. Multiple specializations for each crafting profession, with each creating unique items. More crafted toys, pets, mounts, and transmog. No BoP mats required to craft anything, but maybe some BoA stuff in case your alt is the lucky one.
More RP elements. Villages with denizens who have no quests to offer, but have some really great dialogue if you sit and get to know them. Achievements for attending tea parties, balls, soirees, and costume parties.
New bard class. Not very good at fighting, but highly entertaining and the only class who can wield a lute.
Oh that reminds me. Lore-wise there’s faction peace but there’s some distrust. So War Mode stays and without war mode there is cross-faction communication and play, with War Mode on there is not. In BGs and Arena war mode is automatically turned on. No other changes done to PVP.
Not even herb and ore nodes in battlegrounds? Or unique battle pets that can only be captured in WSG (“Capture the flag PET” would be a new twist!)
Or maybe a FFA battleground with all of these elements. >}
Wow- End times
We lost the last expansion and our cities are destroyed by the old gods. We are all living in refugee camps building our numbers. Horde and Alliance no longer are at war with each otherr and any pvp scenario will be renamed as Honor grounds instead of battle ground. We fight for honor not for territory .
Key Features - artifact weapons return
Horde and Alliance can group up
mythic raiding get overhauled to be more like mythic dungeons with affixes etc
more things like torghast but with actual rewards
get rid of factions and faction war and bg/pvp are just random people fighting regardless of faction
you only queue with people you can be in the same guild with
no more flying gates, once you have flying you can fly anywhere day one
better WQ
a path for gradual progression for casuals that isnt top tier but is meaningful
South Seas Expansion. Boat fights. Pirates. Lots of Pirates. Choose a pirate faction. Many scenarios with pirate heists. Craft boats that you can take out to the treacherous seas to find booty. Fight krakens! Aid the water elementals.
Discover that N’Zzoth did not die but retreated into the deep of Azeroth. Explore the city of Ny’alotha in all its glory.
New Mage Tower that gives new class specific challenge mode gear and mounts.
PvP revamp. More modes (5v5, 1vs1), new arenas. new battlegrounds.
Mythic+ will now have key recovery option if a player leaves(limit 3 per week)
New Chromie dungeons that take us back to parts of Azeroth history that have been long forgotten. These will be the basis for new mythic+. No more tyrannical or fortified. Higher difficulty will give mobs new abilities.
Most of what you know gets obliterated and I make the game basically old school RuneScape with Warcrafts skin on it
An in-spansion of the vanilla world.
- Cross faction pve grouping.
- Loosen up transmog restrictions.
- Player/Guild Housing.
- Get rid of mythic zero and make heroics harder.
- Rename m+ to heroic+.
- Redesign all vanilla expansions to have heroic/h+ available.
- Give major cities the suramar/boralus treatment. Start with Org/Stormwind/Gadgetzan.
- Patch x.1is the reclaiming/refounding of Gnomer and Sen’jin.
For a start.
New expansion: Legion of Light (LoL)
Y’rel of the alt Draenor Army of the Light has on the Naaru’s orders initiated the cosmic war against the Void lords and the leading forces of the other cosmic pantheons. (leading to other pantheon Vs pantheon expansions like Life or Death, Order of Chaos, Wrath of the Titans etc.)
Expansion features: revamped customizable garrisons as player housing, Legion invasion points returning, new and improved class set design, MoP era glyph and character customization options returning, casual solo content parallel to the story, a return of WoD era transmog, etc.
Bonus: rework the world’s graphics and expansion geography via lvl phased zones in Wrath of the Titans and Life or Death.
I would get rid of all Mythic difficulties and just add specific Heroic challenges to existing Heroic Dungeons and Raids, like we used to have. This way, anyone can attempt them if they so choose without the dumb key nonsense.
I’d quit the game just from this alone.
Unfortunate but IMHO M+ is one of the worst things to happen to an MMO. It flies in the face of literally everything an MMORPG is intended to be. Adding infinite scaling timed content is the antithesis of RPG design if it’s kept as actual gameplay and not optional stuff for the showoffs.
The entire concept is wrong. The timer is worst of all, but even without that, the D3 torment mode style is terrible and lazy game design.
I’d hire people who actually enjoy playing and preferably have worked on good RPGs before.
Get folks who really enjoy tabletop gaming into this, like the team that started it.
I dont think straight up removing content is ever a good idea, but that’s just my opinion.
Personally M+ is the only content that keeps me logging on. Pushing keys to new limits with my close friends is what I enjoy doing.
If someone doesn’t enjoy M+, that is entirely fine. It shouldn’t be mandatory content.
I’d bring back the WORLD of Warcraft. Updated zones with new Azeroth content. I’d make travel points akin to Guild Wars 2 so it doesn’t become too tedious, but provide real content that isn’t in instanced zones.
I’d also revamp the recently terrible polish on the game. Epic moments don’t feel epic anymore because Blizzard has put so little polish on what should be huge in-game moments. It’s all very lackluster.
Nothing. I’d much rather tell people that the glory days are long gone and deal with being treated worse than Ion.
No matter how much they want to experience the same feelings they had when they were teenagers, they’re still going to be stuck in their late 20’s/early 30’s without ever coming close to recapturing their youth. Whatever nostalgia exists for the first few days will quickly fade. Their friends have moved on, they’re smarter than they used to be, they’re more aware, they’re more prepared and that can’t be changed or lessened because the content in a video game is reminiscent of what they experienced 13+ years ago.