World of Warcraft: New Dream.
Azeroth the titan has awakened, and Azeroth the planet has been smithereened in the process.
Turns out the titans planed for this, and the Emerald Dream was actually a back up. Azeroth pulls the Dream into reality in the wake of her awakening, and places all animal life on the new world.
Now all the previous races of Azeroth are on a clean slate. No borders, no cities, no strongholds. Everyone is moving as fast as they can to claim a home for their people.
All cities in the expansion have to be built from scratch. The leveling questline would be to establish military bases, and then endgame grinding would be to develop those places into functioning cities.
MoP rep commendations are back. Because they never should have left.
The city development would be similar to Garrisons, but there would be no phasing because you don’t get to plan what goes where, just what gets built first.
Who gives a flying footnote about the “glory days?”
I just want a good game. It does not matter in the slightest how much that game resembles whatever past expansion you’ve put on a pedestal.