[Year 36 Campaign] Happy Dragonflight Launch Day!

The Coalition assembled at Uther’s Tomb, and received a progress report: the feral Undead at Andorhal seemed to be on the move, attracted to Chillwind and beyond to the Hinterlands, possibly attracted by newly activated Nerubian Relics. The time to act was now. Fortunately, many champions answered the call. In addition to the coalition members, the Frostwolf Clan and Stormpike had sent aid: while the Stormpike provided tanks to use against the scourge, the Frostwolf guaranteed air strike support and beckons to summon it. In addition, Donovan, of the Vol’kar Legion, revealed a horn he had crafted, which housed a spell capable of exerting control over a group of feral undead for a time.

Armed with these resources, the group mounted up, upon hearing the horns warning of scourge on the move, and rode to the front lines. There, the attacks begun on two fronts: One group facing off against the scourge, including Plague Eruptors, near the bridge into Andorhal, while the tanks faces off against ageists and skeletal mages near Chillwind.

The group encountered heavy resistance on the bridge leading into Andorhal proper. Brave champions fought for hours to take the bridge, but the appearance and repeated attacks of an emberwyrm caused the group to summon an airstrike and make a run for it.

Inside Andorhal, a fierce battle for control waged between the allied forced against the feral undead. More airstrikes were called in, with many of the coalition finding themselves injured within the blast radius.

Finally, in the wee hours of the morning, the battle was won and the coalition had secured Andorhal. While they had cleared the town of its assembled scourge, the fact that they did not manage to stop all feral undead from escaping and moving on to potentiel new targets made this victory bittersweet.

(Post edited to include the final events.)


Sunday May 15th at 4:30pm:
Hearthglen (Western Plaguelands)

Commander Vadinnar of the Argent Crusade has sent out a call and invitation to the allies of the Coalition, and those wishing to get involved, to convene on the neutral ground of Hearthglen on Sunday May the 15th, to celebrate the latest victories and discuss the path moving forward.


World Update…

A clouded sky, bearing a strange scar giving way to a dark, starry night hangs over Icecrown where the sundered veil once loomed over the Citadel. Icecrown Citadel remains under the stewardship of the Ebon Blade, with Acherus still locked to the upper landing of the tower. The Argent Crusade holds all their forts once more, attempting to fend off these Warlord and clan-like groups of Scourge.

The San’layn Vorath grows bolder. The ranks of his Darkfallen begin to swell. Brazen abductions of Thalassians seem to be occurring, presumably in an effort to further expand the Darkfallen forces. Coalition efforts to scry out the enemy have left us a map from Eversong in the north to Nethergarde in the south to scour. With his forces continuing to grow and his ultimate motives still unknown, we continue to prepare for the unexpected.

The Eastweald & Lordaeron
While one should never turn their back on the Plaguelands, with the Cult of the Damned driven out and any Scourge captains or lieutenants disposed of already, the region is seeming remarkably stable. Andorhal, however, is another story. Since the city was reclaimed it has become a powder keg, and there seem to be many flinging matches at it. The Cultists that remain conspire to use our victory and past political tensions against us, clearly hoping to keep us busy and distracted. To the west and south, animosities stir against all Undead.

The fiery hatred against Scourge, mindless Undead, and Death Knights, and Forsaken alike not seen since the Scarlet Crusade was extinguished are being rekindled. Propaganda spreads, reframing many of our Coalition’s enemies and our victories against them in a lens that stirs these long cold coals. It becomes ever clearer that these Cultists, once of the Damned and subservient to the Scourge have a Master that is far older and more sinister. Their reach and plot extend well beyond the lands north of the Thandol Span.

Chapter 3 officially begins this Saturday, May 28th starting at 4:30pm in Andorhal.


Year 35
(Year of the Scourge Epilogue)


The San’layn Vorath has been defeated at Deatholme, his assault with the undead halted at Tranquillien. While this victory is significant, we cannot help but be left with a certain sense of trepidation. Vorath seemingly performed his attack with no other san’layn or darkfallen involved in any aspect of his siege, which leaves us to wonder where that group remains, and what their next move is.

The Eastweald
The living residents within Andorhal continue to require treatment and assistance. The casualty count has now reached five dead, with dozens still severely ill, with new cases still appearing despite our belief that all tainted stocks were removed, leading us to the onerous process of removing and replacing any and all goods still within the city, regardless of their source.

Despite this quarantine and strict import screening, Forsaken refugees have begun to return to the city, being unaffected by the plague itself that infects those within.

The ingenuity of the Forsaken has prevailed against the blight. While Brill had been under rebuild for some time, the question of where to house so many displaced Forsaken has been an unanswered question, until now. The Ruins of Lordaeron City have been cleansed of blight, along with the swath of land before the city’s main gates.

This unexpected event has shaken the north, giving hope to Forsaken, but also causing a mix of apprehension, tension, and ire amongst those who preferred to see the Forsaken, or Horde in general, without a seat to hold power within Lordaeron.

Deadwind, Duskwood, & the Swamp
A strange fog, familiar to those who fought in the Plaguelands and Eastweald, densely covers Deadwind Pass, spilling out to the edge of Darkshire in Duskwood, and to the Sunken Temple in the Swamp of Sorrows.

A threat hangs over the region two fold: A Lich takes residence with the Temple, seeking to raise an army of Undead Green Flight. Within Karazhan, the Darkfallen have seemingly made their way in, the full extent of their intentions unknown.

Kul Tiras
A Cultist Master has managed to escape to Freehold. Intentions within the region, unknown.

Tol Barad
We have managed to reclaim Baradin Hold, returning it to the Kirin Tor Wardens, and defeating the darkfallen that had the prison’s staff enthralled. Unfortunately, a Cultist Master responsible for the troubles at the prison has eluded us, breaking out a monstrous C’thraxxi in the process, the fate of which is currently unknown after a harrowing battle with an explosive end.

Arathi & Hillsbrad
Traders to Argent camps in Chillwind continue to spread tale of a troubling movement out of Arathi and Hillsbrad that seems to be only growing in fervor, especially after news spread of the plague’s return to Andorhal. A movement that risks the fragile armistice as it villainizes Forsaken with all Undead.


It’s the eve of the Summer Solstice, the highest point of the sun and one of the greatest festivals in the Thalassian year. At one of the many pockets of celebration starting to crop up around Silvermoon as the Midsummer Festival begins, food carts and vendors of wares have gathered near one of the Solstice ritual oathfires.

This Sunday in Silvermoon City, come celebrate the Sind’orei Solstice with a special Oath-taking ceremony. Come celebrate the glory of the Midsummer holiday and swear an oath to the flames.

Check out our forum post for more information!

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The Darkfallen that once served Vorath continue to operate despite the San’layn’s demise**. Multiple threats are being investigated within the region. Two Thalassian vessels along with their crews have gone missing yet seem to be briefly popping up in ports around the Eastern Kingdoms before vanishing once more, with locals describing the crew as pale, some with red eyes.

The Eastweald:
Argent Apothecaries have finally managed to produce a viable cure for the specific strain of plague that afflicts the living in Andorhal**, finally bringing relief to the city and hope that life will return to normal once more. While the death toll ultimately reached seven, with luck the cure will assist in full recoveries to those ill and prevent further loss of life.

Alterac & Hillsbrad
A series of urgent advisories have been dispatched across most of southern Lordaeron by the Argent Crusade. These missives, similar to the ones sent that identified and described the Cultist Masters that escaped Scholomance, instead provide what known information the Coalition possesses on the three humans and one half-elf wanted on suspicion of conspiracy with the Cult, and affiliation with the Scarlet order. An additional set of missives have been released far more widely across most of Lordaeron and even into Quel’thalas, one that identifies Malachai aka Malek by description with names and aliases, wanted for conspiracy and affiliation with the Cult and Darkfallen involved in assaulting Quel’thalas. Within the same missive, a description of another individual and call for all information or sightings.

Malachai ala Malek D'Zhaeri:
Void or Shadow Corrupted ‘Sin’dorei’
Skin of a greyish hue.  
Embedded in the flesh of both arms, chitin-like shards of obsidian occult objects. 
Facial scarring around lips and mouth. 
Eyes jaundiced-like whites and a crimson, spiraling iris.
Female Thalassian - Person of Interest:
Pale with her hair long and white. 
Eyes of burning purple.
Appearance of undead/darkfallen. 
Ashen/Gray skin tone.

Arathi & Wetlands:
The civilian population of the small Alliance camp near the western shore of Wetlands has been returned after a rather harrowing experience involving a darkfallen that enthralled the populace, forcing them to excavate corpses from nearby gnoll burial mounds and human and dwarven graveyards. While in Arathi, the ongoing struggle against anti-Forsaken propaganda continues to be waged. For every human death in Andorhal to the north, groups have gathered and demonstrated in the town square. Calls to ‘Remember Blythe’ or ‘Avenge the Plagued’ have been frequently heard and general discontent within the civilians of the region continues to be an issue. SI:7 and 7th Legion reports now officially acknowledge Blythe as a conspirator, which has gone a long way to dissuade additional military forces from active and visible participation. Concern remains, however, that there may still be some quiet sympathizers for the Scarlets that have yet to be exposed.

Northeron (Twilight Highlands):
A short but intense quaking of the ground shook the region, felt strongest in Arathi, Wetlands, and the Loch and Northern Badlands, but still rumbled as far away as the Eastweald to the north and Burning Steppes to the south and Khaz Modan to the west.** Within Northeron old crag scars from the Cataclysm erupted once more with dark energies that simultaneously sparked and shimmered with the golds and blues of Azerite founts. The energies from this polluted and tainted Azerite are still being cautiously sampled and examined by Dragonmaw and Wildhammer forces in the region. A dark pillar of strange energy rises once more from the long thought abandoned grounds of the Cult and their Bastion of Twilight and violent cascades of dark, violet lightning seem to create a perimeter that is unwise to approach around the hills.

Duskwood & Deadwind:
Anarchy! Bedlam! The Dark Riders appear in conflict with each other.* An unprecedented thing to witness. While details remain sparse, whatever force of San’layn or darkfallen that has found access into the Tower seems to have swayed at least a single Dark Rider to their control as it has been witnessed combatting another. All the while, the Plague Wyrm continues to circle the fog veiled skies within the Pass. Plans are coming together quickly to advance on the Tower, however, with Coalition and locals from Duskwood working cooperation to see the region restored to ‘normal’.

The Swamp & Blasted Lands:
The dense veil of fog that creeps out of Deadwind Pass now shrouds the Swamp all the way over the Sunken Temple, and within the Blasted Lands all the way to the Dark Portal.** In both regions the fog barely offers ten yards of visible distance. Within the Blasted Lands the fog settles over the low lying ground. Heading to higher elevations, such as Netherguard’s bluff or the hills behind the Dark Portal one just observes a sea of gray and white, only the high hilltops ascending from the fog as if they were islands, from coast to cliffs, pass to portal. The south of Blasted Lands remains unaffected. Most of the far east of the Swamp and north past Marshtide are similarly unaffected.


The greater scope of the Cult and Darkfallen plot is beginning to take shape as a Scourge Transporter has been located in the southern reaches of the Ghostlands near the Lordaeron border and Amani lands, believed to lead to an ancient Aqir Temple that has remained hidden somewhere deep in the region since the end of the Aqir and Troll Wars of ancient times.

Our coalition amasses forces in the area as we approach the eve of our attack, ensuring the transporter is secure as a strike at what might be the heart of the Cult, San’layn, and Darkfallen plot is prepared.

Northeron (Twilight Highlands)
Alliance and Horde alike* begin to establish a perimeter around the Bastion of Twilight , ensuring the region is well monitored after the strange shaft of dark energy began to rise into the sky at the tower.

Duskwood & Deadwind
The San’layn that worked alongside Vorath, leading the incursion in Karazhan has been defeated* . Two Darkfallen have been apprehended, individuals that were previously Thalassians before being abducted by the San’layn to assist in their Master’s machinations. In the confrontation, the allies of Duskwood and the Argent and Horde forces from the north defeated not only the San’layn in question, but saw an end to the Plague Wyrm along with a Dark Rider. With their foes defeated in the Pass, the fog that loomed over the region and up to Darkshire’s doorstep has finally subsided.

The Swamp & Blasted Lands
A veil of the unnatural Nerubian fog continues to shroud the Swamp and Blasted Lands, unchanged even after the Pass and Duskwind returned to normal.*

The Lich, Shivertomb , continues to reside within the Sunken Temple. Small groups of Undead Dragonkin have become more and more commonplace within the fog and around the Temple, prompting a heightened degree of caution and guard within the region.


Looking for Feedback!

If you were involved in YOTS and Y35 at any point , we would very much appreciate if you took about 5 minutes and answered what you can/feel inclined to.

With Chapter 3 of Year 35 officially concluded, and preparations underway for the final 2 chapters pre-Dragonflight, we would like to ask you once again to take a few minutes and give us feedback on our campaign.

Every form submitted helps us craft these campaigns to better deliver to our wonderful and amazing community of role-players.

In addition, there are questions at the end that will help us reflect on Dragonflight and how we can carry this community over to the Dragon Isles.

Thanks in advance!

(The admin team)

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Chapter 4 starts soon!


It’s sure been an emotional week in the lead up to the start of this chapter, boy oh boy.

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This server campaign sure does have folks emotionally invested.


Midweek, several members of the Coalition convened discreetly on a ship near Boralus to discuss current campaign events.

A perfect storm in the Blasted Lands…

A druid by the name of Namkala Grasshoof recounted what she witnessed as she circled the Blasted Lands, bearing witness to a powerful and unnatural storm encompassing most of the area, with only the beachheads remaining clear of lightning.

She agrees to return to the Blasted Lands and map safe passageways through the storm to points of interest in the zone.

The storm, it seems, is created by the infamous Cultists the Coalition are after. These zealots have extinguished the Dark Portal and plan to reopen it to pull armies from some place of the Void to invade Azeroth. The cultists’ ritual, from all intelligence gathered, must be condluded during the autumnal equinox to be successful.

These Cultists are strong - wielding not only the powers of the Shadow with expertise but also in possession of a Nerubian relic absconded from Karazhan- but are not unbeatable.

A Choice to Make in Drustvar…

Commander vadinnar of the Argent Crusade, and Highlord Raseri of the Legion of the Dawn, both respected men of the Light, explain the two possible paths fo victory against Landers, the enemy in Drustvar.

One option discussed is to land at Fletcher’s Hollow, remove any cultist threats and use the location as a base fo continue to advance on their forces in the area. This would lead to an unimpeded path west through the mountains and access to several key locations. There is a risk of being attacked from several sides of the enemy learns of the coalition’S advances.

The second option is to push directly from East to West, moving through the strongest of the enemy forces in the eats and providing unimpeded access to Arom’s Stand. The hardest battles would come first, and if victorious, the trek should become easier and easier.

Following a fairly short debate, the first option is chosen, as it is the one which places the least amount of innocent lives at risk, something all those present in the room seemed to place great value in.

Over the next few days, reconnaissance missions, preparations and rest would lead up to an assault on Fletcher’s Hollow .


The Coalition’s Raid on Fletcher’s Hollow

During week’s end, an elite group from the Coalition gathered on their vessel and reviewed their battle plans and latest reconnaissance intelligence. While they spoke, the ship sailed ever closer to their target location, dropping anchor as the group travelled by skiffs to the beachhead where the attack would begin.

The group soon came into contact with a wickerman and hounds, and engaged appropriately. Sword and spell came together to make quick work of the enemies and allow the group to continue their raid.

The group then found several targets: a conjurer, several wickermen and civilian hostages. Splitting up, the group engaged multiple targets with a focus on freeing as many of the hostages as possible.

In a dark twist, every enemy slain spilled dark blood, which made its way to the cultist conjurer, fuelling their dark magics. They remained one of the last threats standing in the groups way, and so several from the coalition focused their attacks on them. Meanwhile, however, others from the group were engaged in battle near the mines, with, among other enemies, an old acquaintance who kept popping up wherever the group happened to be.

After some calculated attacks and considerable damage dealt and taken, the cultist, the last of the enemies remaining, was violently defeated.

While casualties were light, General Lara of the Vol’kar Legion suffered a near fatal blow. She survived in part thanks to the nearby presence, and quick actions, of skilled and dedicated healers.

The night was won, and Fletcher’s Hollow was secured.


Campaign Mission Debrief

On a vessel, concealed through illusion magics, off the coast of Fletcher’s Hollow, select members of the coalition came together on Friday for a Campaign Mission Debrief.

The first to speak was a new member of the coalition, a half-elf by the name of Thommascus Rexiliann. Born in Tirigarde Sounds, he urgent caution when it comes to traveling east through the mountains. He warned of sea monsters and pirates, but of more import, of the Yetis that inhabit the mountains of Drustvar.

Amenir Redmoon spoke next, of a proposed deal with a Colonel of Freeport, who would reveal the name of all cultist informants in the area in exchange for a nerubian relic, one of which was found in Fletcher’s Hollow, money, and for Captain Shearman, one accused of selling out Kul Tiran marines to the Horde, leading to their deaths, to be handed over to the Proudmore Admiralty.

Discussion revealed many were not comfortable with the idea of handing over such a powerful and dangerous relic to anyone. They also determined that Captain Shearman must be spoken to, in order to get his side of the story, convinced they needed to hear the man’s version of events as well as the motivations behind them, before agreeing to turn him over.

Redmoon then revealed having travelled to nearby Nazjatar to set up a teleporter relay. A magical item, sought by Captain Songsear, appears to be located within Azsara’s Palace. While the entrance was breached, the item, behind a door guarded by several Naga, has yet to be secured, and further attempts are planned.

Magister Sungazer expressed worry at spreading the coalitions forces too thin, without knowing that this item is and why it would be helpful.

As the debriefing came to a close, gunfire could be heard echoing over the water. The allies emerged from the cabin and looked out, but saw nothing as they heard more echoes coming from beyond Fletcher’s Hollow.

As some decided to tend to matters off ship, Sungazer stayed aboard, ordering the vessel checked for damage and his Sunreavers be on alert.

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Having secured and held Fletcher’s Hollow for one week, danger came in the form of Wickerhounds, on whom blinking lights can be seen on collars around their necks, charging at the allies by water and by bridge.

The battle grows in intensity quickly, with the hounds exploding, knocking back or down several of the coalition members. The front line suffers a major blow, and a call for assistance is made.

The coalition worked as one, downing wickerhound after wickerhound. But each hound exploded upon being defeated, causing serious injury to those too close to the beasts. Ally after ally is knocked to the ground by the blasts.

The group changes strategy, ensuring they keep distance between themselves and the last hounds, defeating them. Now, they must turn their attention onto the several fires that have erupted all around them.

Using every spell and ability at their disposal, the group extinguished the flames. While they did, a new threat made itself known: riffle fire is heard, and a Tauren Druid is shot down mid-flight.

Snipers, still concealed, begin firing on the coalition from their hiding spots behind trees, clearly coerced citizens under Landers’ control. They were accompanied by a Drust Wicker Golem, just on the other side of the bridge.

Under the cover of fire, the group charged the bridge and began their offensive.

The group split up. While some attacked the Golem, others charged at the snipers hiding behind the trees. Bullets flew wildly and several members of the party suffered wounds, a few being rendered unconscious. While healers did what they could, so much was happening so quickly. Allies fell left and right, and those still standing fought as hard as they did.

One by one, the snipers all eventually fell. The Drust Brute did too, and not a moment too soon. The group had suffered heavy casualties and would need time to heal and mend and recover their strength. They only hoped they would have time and peace to do it.

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Mission Debrief
with Magister Axiann Sungazer

While many of the Coalition were off on assignment or recovering from their wounds, the Sunreavers gathered on the deck of the ship, still concealed with illusion magics, in the harbor just offshore from Fletcher’s Hollow. They were soon joined by Chieftan Hellblaze and Suug’na of the Hell Blade Clan, and Vanthyrion Everheart, a Quel’dorei monk.

The two newcomers had come to answer the coalition’s calls for aid, though they both needed to be briefed on current events. The discussion first focused on the ensorcelled civilians of Drustvar, and whether or not a means to break their enchantment of servitude had been theorized.

The Hell Blade clansmen spoke of requesting aid from their loa spirits to aid the people of Drustvar and vanquish Landers. They inquired as to the nature of the enemy and the details of the assault and the magics and tools being used by the cultists.

Magister Sungazer informed those gathered that on the morrow, the coalition planned to move east and liberate another town. The newest Sunreaver, a Darfallen fellow by the name of Zaxton, proposed incapacitating the innocent civilians through tranquilization, impeding the cultists attempt to dominate their minds.

With a storm approaching, the meeting came to an end. The clansmen thanks the Sunreavers for their information and departed back for Kalimdor. Meanwhile, the Sunreavers retreated below deck and the Magister began writing this report as the sound of rain and thunder ushered in the nighttime.

Arom’s Stand

Two weeks after taking and securing Fletcher’s Hollow, the coalition were on the move through the mountains and made their way west, stopping to gather and group up atop a high glacier.

Those gathered listened to a final briefing by Highlord Raseri of the Legion of the Dawn, which included prioiry objectives. The end goal was to retake Arom’s Stand, under Landers’ control, while harming as few of the ensorcelled civilians as possible. Any means by which to take civilians out of the equation without killing them would not only spare innocent lives, but would also keep the dark relic used by Lander’s from its fuel source: spilled blood.

Then, last minute reconnaissance revealed the enemy was aware of the coalition’s movements and had begun to employ counter-magics to make their job more difficult: the cave that was to be their passage had been warded.

The time for action had come. Highlord Raseri lead one group to assault Arom’s Stand directly, while Commander Vadinnar and Magister Sungazer lead those more magically inclined to the warded cave where the relic was suspected of being.

Raseri’s team moved as one towards the Stand, encountering heavy resistance early on and being fired on with azerite bullets, taking significant damage.

Pushing their way through, the eventually come to a line of innocent civilians, under control, riffles in hand. A hard battle begins.

At the same time, Vadinnar’s group found the cave entrance and the magi worked at disabling the wards, which were not arcane, void nor shadow, but rather Drust death Magic. Thornspeaker Yorick used his abilities to bring the wards down, allowing the party to move inside. They find a Drust Brute waiting for them, the dark relic at its heart.

The group proceeded carefully, attacking the creature while not aiming any magic anywhere near the relic at its heart, but the beast swung at the group ferociously. They maintained their attack, coordinated as they could, and eventually took down the damned beast, the relic released from its chest.

Suddenly, the brute wavered and the relic was exposed. Commander Vadinnar ordered Axiann to fire at the relic, contradicting earlier warnings about using magic. Trusting the commander, the Magister hurled his fireball right at his target.

At the very last moment, Vadinnar erects a shield of Light. The relic is hit and a massive explosion ensues. While he is pushed back by the explosion, the commander’s shield protects the group from meeting their end.

As the relic is destroyed, throngs of inhabited civilians fighting against Raseri’s group fall to the ground, incapacitated. Vadinnar’s group run to join the rest of the coalition.

Together again, the group face a vastly diminished force. However, one cultist in ashen robes begins to chant in demonic and summons an infernal which comes crashing down among the allies. While it doles out significant damage, it is eventually taken down, allowing those engaged with it to find their allies and aid in other fights.

Foe after foe was defeated, but a dark ritual was being conducted to the east. While the cultists were engaged, their ritual was completed and a Drust Stone Giant came to life, charging at the group on the banks of the frozen lake.

All of the might of the allies of the coalition turn towards the Stone Giant, pummelling it with as much force as can be mustered. What ensued was a heavy firefight of weapons and spells, the Giant assault with heavy unrelenting damage until it fell, the last foe defeated by the coordinated efforts of the coalition.

A relic of Drust design with a strange crimson glow from runes on the object was also secured. This appears to be responsible for bestowing a power on the enemy, giving them sight through shrouds and invisibility and stealth, while also itself being a storage vessel for souls sacrificed to be used in a later ritual.

Arom’s Stand was liberated from Lander’s control.


A scouting report:
The Crimson Forest

The following report from the Argent’s contracted Ranger, Vyaen Duskfall, would arrive to Coalition command posts in Arom’s, Fletcher’s, Vigil Hill:

Crimson Forest more heavily fortified and guarded than prior expectations. While approach by hugging the eastern ridge was possible, it was well evident that all other points just barely west in a tight perimeter around the center of the forest were heavily watched and sentried by Wicker Brutes.

Active patrols of massive Wicker Sentinels along the north/south road in the western portion of forest.

Confirmation that lightning storm activity tied to activity at the heart of the forest.

*Northwestern portion of forest under heavy guard along coastal cliff perimeter. All approaches would be difficult. Northwestern groves seem to be primary location where additional wicker creatures are being created. Observed active harvesting of timbers from trees that Thornspeaker indicated would be required for assembly. *

Recon unit experienced heavy enemy interference in operation. Individuals on team were subject to auditory hallucinations. At multiple times, a manifestation of some enemy enchantment or illusion was observed shadowing the group, attempting to lure personnel into likely traps. Advise extreme caution if additional scouting assignments occur.

Presence of Darkfallen #1, Sorrowhawk, confirmed within forest. Purpose of her being there unknown.


Arom’s Stand:
Mission debriefing

In a safe meeting space in newly liberated Arom’s Stand, still secured by the allies of the Coalition, several individuals met to discuss recent missions and new information gained.

Commander Vadinnar reports that following a message received by the Argent Crusade, a group traveled to Unu’pe in the Borean Tundra. They met a mystic, who told them the stone statues lining the shores of the Tundra are inspired by legendary sentinels that are said to watch over their ancient ancestral homeland, before turning to matters more current.

The mystic then mentioned one known as the Underlord, one with a connection to both Ny’alotha and the realms of Death, the first entity to harness the powers of undeath, one who has been defeated twice before, according to legend, but never completely vanquished, as part of a millenia old cycle.

This Underlord is now firmly believed to be Is’orath, reawakened yet scared, but alreayd working against the coalition and somehow tied to the recent Dragon riddle that has been pieced together. The commander believes this all to be linked to knowledge of the creation of the Aspects, somehow. That knowledge is believed to be recorded and located somewhere in Uldaman.

Back in Drustvar, scouts managed to infiltrate the Crimson Forest to the west of Arom’s Stand. There, they encountered a heavy enemy presence and evidence that the cult’s forces have not slowed down, yet have seemingly turned on those who once served them willingly, sacrificing them as fuel for their dark ritual.

The center of the forest seems to offer the heaviest enemy presence. Fanotheril was known to be in the area near Corlain, but another report seems to indicate he is now not only gone, but the cultists means of escape might now be nonexistant.

The warlock Calnos supplied a report written following a recent raid of Azshara’s Palace in Nazjatar. Fighting their way past many Naga, the small group infiltrated the correct chamber and found the artifact known as the Occulus, being used by a C’thraxxi, identified as Za’qul, Harbinger of Ny’alotha. The Occulus, they witnessed, was used to open a Void Rift, allowing the one known as Fanotheril to arrive from Drustvar and depart for the Twilight Highlands.

The group engaged Za’qul and secured the occulus, taking away the Cult’s ability to travel quickly and, more importantly, for Lander’s to escape from Drustvar.

Year 36 - Chapter Four - World Update

Quel’thalas: The survivors from Zul’Aman have entered into official negotiations for cessation of hostilities with Silvermoon. Mistrust exists on both sides. Many with Silvermoon have called the negotiations pointless, especially with early demands from the Forest Trolls that swaths of the dead ‘Ghostlands’ that the Sin’dorei have yet to restore remain deserted and uninhabited, serving as a proper buffer zone between the territories to prevent incidents.

The Eastweald & Plaguelands: The survivors of Zul’Mashar have joined with the loose organization of Forest Trolls, all sharing their common ground as victims of the Cult of the Damned machinations, and seeking a future where desperate leaders could never jeopardize their peoples again. The Cenarion Circle, at the Argent Crusade’s behest, has succeeded in cleansing waters of the Mashari Vale. Further efforts continue to cleanse the lands. The Argent Crusade, with consent of the Forsaken and Alliance have begun to raze, cleanse, and build at the ruins of New Avalon and Tyr’s Hand to serve as a neutral port and hub in the region, hoping to bring new resources to the region required to continue the healing of the land from the plague.

Lordaeron: The Desolate Council has recognized the Argent Crusade’s contributions towards securing the homeland of the Forsaken by granting the Argents their request to establish an embassy within the Ruins of Lordaeron City. In a statement alongside the announcement, the Argent Crusade reaffirmed their commitment to cooperation and partnership with all peoples of Lordaeron and those who bare the scars of war with the Scourge.

Northeron (Twilight Highlands): The Horde post of Crushblow, being at the foot of the Twilight Citadel, has received new magical barrier defenses after sustaining multiple void bolt attacks from the cliffs above. Rebuilt after the Cataclysm, the Wildhammer town of Dunwald continues to be the Coalition’s front line to defend against the Cult, with the ‘Boneyard’ to it’s Northeast being the primary rally point and staging ground for troops. The Alliance post of Victor’s Point remains their primary staging and command post against the Cult in the Highlands. With assistance of their Ren’dorei allies, Victor’s Point has refitted the base’s defense tower to become a Ren’dorei Void Spire, an ‘evolution’ of Thalassian Mage Tower defenses, with specific intent to combat the Void Storm still looming over the Highlands. All the while, the spire of dark light continues to surge into the dark sky. (edited)

Loch Modan & Badlands: The Reliquary and Explorer’s League have begun to take seriously the observed changes within Titan facilities of late and, in a first, are entering into a cooperation pact to ensure exchange of information to better combat apparent Cult conspiracies surrounding the phenomenon.

The Swamp & Blasted Lands: A veil of the unnatural Nerubian fog continues to shroud the Swamp. The Lich, Shivertomb, continues to reside within the Sunken Temple. Two Plague Wyrms fly the skies over the Swamp, keeping Stonard and Marshtide in a constant state of defense, and compelling their forces to fall back to the better relative safety of the respective bases. While Stonard was hit first, Marshtide was hit hardest and continues to scramble with makeshift repairs to their walls all while fending the Wyrms off.

Simultaneous to the recent ritual tied to the Equinox in Drustvar, a massive offensive by the Undead Dragon forces and the Lich himself, with assistance from Dreadmaul Ogres, and Darkfallen naval attack all but pushed Alliance and Horde forces back to their holds in the region. All for naught, it seems. As soon as the failure of the ritual became apparent, Ogre and Darkfallen forces withdrew from battle, back to Dreadmaul and to the Portal itself. The unnatural fog receded from the Blasted Lands. Yet the void storm protecting the portal, like the one protecting the Cult in the Highlands, remains.

Redridge Mountains: As Lakeshire rebuilds from Scourge attack, local authorities are investigating the murder, mutilation, and gruesome display of an Ebon Knight corpse from the Lakeshire bridge. The Ebon Knight, Devlan Plott, was born and raised in Lakeshire before falling in battle in Icecrown with Alliance forces battling the Lich King’s armies. After Lakeshire’s fall to the Scourge last year, the Ebon Knight returned to Redridge, committing himself to the Mayor and surviving townspeople in protecting them from any remaining Undead threats. Plott’s remains are scheduled to be cremated and the Mayor has stated the ashes will be interred at the Lakeshire Cemetery.

Drustvar: Coalition forces have withdrawn from Fletcher’s Hollow and returned the town to full Admiralty control for further cleanup and restoration. The town’s mine, however, remains warded with Drust magics and cannot be breached. Admiralty reinforcements have reclaimed Carver’s Harbor and Fallhaven from what little Cultist forces remained to hold the locations. While many families have come forward concerning missing loved ones in the region, local registries are still being consulted to try and determine counts of those missing that have no one to speak for them.

Western Drustvar is overrun by Aberrant Dead. These reanimated corpses, with strange oily black eyes have spread from the edges of Corlain to Falconhurst. Specific details within the region are difficult to come by at this time. Anyport is in lockdown, with local mercenaries keeping the dead at bay that attempt to enter or just wander too close. Arom’s Stand remains the primary hold in the region. Forces now fortify the keep’s walls, along with the ridgeline to the north with access to Corlain to keep the Undead from spreading. The Mayor of Falconhurst has sent her praise and thanks to the Coalition forces for defeating the Cult in the forest.

Stormsong Valley: The Coalition has secured permission from the Admiralty to an area southwest of Brennadam to stage for operations in the area. Sagehold and it’s harbor have been officially recognized by the Admiralty as overrun and captured by the Cult. Forces within the Admiralty are being investigated for conspiracy with the Cult and sedition in allowing the Cult’s foothold to spread unchecked. A common defense coming up, however, is claim that they were not in control of their minds in making their actions. The Admiralty assures all that the Shrine of the Storm remains secure and in the hands of the Tidesages.

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