You didnt try but…
You’re just applying personality traits to successful people you’ve never seen before now who have demonstrated otherwise over the time he’s been in the spotlight (many years now), I still disagree with you completely, have a good day.
Every culture values humility. It’s an inherent value people have, not a matter of culture. However, on the individual level, some people choose to express it much more than others.
I am not really being a skeptic or criticizing him. How he responded is a very natural way to act.
gets in line to be Yoshimized
This could take a while.
This is true, however it’s more about the kind of apology he’s giving. In Japan a heartfelt apology will be when someone says something like “Truly, I have no words for my actions” and a deep bow, which is kind of the equivalent to what Yoshi P said. He clearly didn’t give a canned, expected apology that is typical in Japanese society which is the key takeaway.
Here’s the apology he gave about the servers btw:
As producer, the responsibility for being unable to predict the current influx of new players falls to me. The days before an expansion’s launch are supposed to be ones of excitement, but instead they’ve brought many players grief, and for that I, personally, am extremely sorry.
His humility about WoW could be typical Japanese humility, but it’s clear that’s not always the case.
Could we get DR Phil in here to interpret Yoshi’s words and the true Japanese cultural impact behind his phrasing… I just feel we need an expert.
thanks for the link buddy, was a good read
the ff14 director is a pretty amazing guy, makes Ion look bad but is similar to wow’s original passionate leaders
Okay Grandpa, lets get you back to the nursing home. It’s almost time for Wheel of Fortune and those Law and Order reruns aren’t going to watch themselves.
Neverwinter is a bloody p2w game.
I can’t stand games with such an extensive microtransaction play. Ugh.
At least here and in 14 they’re cosmetics.
When the interviewer chimed in telling Yoshida he was hoping he would have said “we’re the best,” he responded, "if I was that type of guy, we’d miss our footing on the way and 14 wouldn’t be loved by so many people.
That’s why their game is good. He’s not content to rest on his laurels and declare victory. He’s right that it’s not a competition and that people are crazy to view it as such. Unfortunately too many players on these forums view the negative WoW feedback as a victory dance from the FFXIV community when it’s in fact a plea from longtime WoW players to bring WoW back to the game it used to be, which is now the game that FFXIV has become. As Yoshi put it:
our goal was to recreate a Final Fantasy version of WoW
They succeeded at that. Unfortunately, in the meantime, WoW aspired to create a Warcraft version of Wildstar. They in turn succeeded at that.
100% exactly this. People here truly think FFXIV players are subbing to WoW just to post here to criticize the game, and that is honestly the craziest thing I have ever seen posted on these forums. It couldn’t possibly be WoW players who are upset, no way, it’s gotta be a war between two games.
Haha as a kid/preteen that’s the only reason I got the mag. I mean I read it but I only subscribed for that reason.
Wheel of Fortune is a pox on humanity.
Law and Order? Pfft. Matlock > all.
I didn’t say he fought in the civil war
La-day-line of death…
Three times in one day…
Three lighters for a dollar…
Doors not windows…
Pair-a-Dice BBS …
America played for …
Mach 25 ___ …
Up yours at your request( men over 50, recomended) …
Zif socket for 370 cpu…
3 mile and gernoble zaped…
Brought a 8088 for $2500 USD…
Gas gas before SWM…
Drove a Beta …
Knoze whlee on a yam…
My life 60% finished …
the thing about that is, Yoshi doesn’t want wow to die, but I’m sure his bosses at Squeenix and Sony would want WoW to die
That’s not how you spell Phoenix