Evening all members of the horde,
First off let me introduce myself… I am Ot, I tank for one of the alliance guilds and in my spare time whenever there is world pvp happening I am often making the groups or joining in for a bit of carnage.
When the honour system first came out this was fantastic and added a very exciting element to the game which included everyone from hardcore raiders, semi casual players and those that are fresh 50+ wanting to get in on the action. I especially loved the skirmishes at SS/TM and BRM.
I have seen a trend in the last 8 or so days that’s made the game completely unplayable for a lot of my brethren. I encourage world pvp more than the next fella and completely understand “pvp happened on a pvp server” but this is becoming worse than a meme.
Whenever there’s a bit of action in the world it’s usually very enjoyable and fair. Then after about 5-10 minutes all the neckbeards swarm trying to get their next PVP rank and completely obliterate alliance off the face of the map. I’ve personally noticed about half my friends who play for pvp simply do not log in anymore and say they are planning on returning after BGs are released.
Take for example last night in WS just outside everlook; It started with me and 2 friends farming a few of the elite mobs getting ganked by a group of 8 horde just rolling around (horde gank squads are common across all zones and thats OK!). so we recruited 5-10 more players to encourage a bit of PVP.
I’d say roughly 3 minutes had passed until a swarm of roughly 35 horde members were killed us once or twice, then camping the FP Honourless targets. Is this type of play style enjoyable for horde?
I’m trying to rack my brain around how a band of 20 players can stay at light’s hope chapel 24/7 and not get bored of it and/or tired?
Feel free to camp me 4v1 like you usually do I enjoy a fair fight but god damn, where’s the class? this faction imbalance is very clear and visible.
I’d love to hear some feedback from legitimate horde players who have an IQ higher then the bricks in my backyard pls.
I strongly suggest u take out the harsh words and just stick to the facts. It reads better that way and ppl might actually respond with some constructive feedback and thoughts as opposed to replying to your insults with insults.
I agree that with BG things will settle down but you are only seeing it from the Alliance perspective and i have had more encounters with ?? Alliance members killing me whilst farming mobs then Alliance of the same level having a ‘fair’ fight. I see it everywhere from both sides saying the other side is worse but in reality it happens to both factions.
You have to be careful with zone selection and estimate the time from org, to predict when the 10+ man groups might fly in.
You can be rolled very quickly on kalimdor just because the big horde groups can portal there quickly.
'spose we wont talk about Light Hope Chapel being camped by alliance 24/7?
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Nah, horde always has lhc during peak ~8 hours.
Ally/Horde population seems to even out outside of peak, so ally gets to be jerks and camp flight points, seems fair to me.
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Got bored, here is a quick list of commonly camped flight points that both sides have to deal with:
Alliance: epl, wpl, southshore, menethil, ironforge, gorge, steppes, blasted, felwood, everlook, both feralas, ungoro, gadget
Horde: epl, bulwark, gadget, everlook, felwood, steppes, kargath
And there are civilians around zeppelins with guards in clear los, whereas a horde raid can sit in menethil or the boat all day with no guards, camping wpvp is tremendously tilted towards the horde side.
To any alliance stealthies reading, horde felwood fp has no civillians and few guards
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Was camping a flight path with my two friends last night( azshara)
Got about 30 hks before my mate yells, bring the cousins, bring all of them.
As a sea of horde 12+ Came riding in to gank us.
yeah that one is super sketchy, all those civilians around
bring 3 man to kill a 5man
5man brings a 20 man
complains when they get outzerged
zerg pvp is garbage but sometimes you just have to slap the zerg out of a zone so you can go back to having fun