Yo. What are we paying for

In this case no, because “launches” of any MMOs or live services are expected to be troublesome and solved over the following days.

Doesn’t sound right but I’m done asking for an answer I can’t get. Guess they win. No wonder they are going down hill. They can’t fix what is asked or do anything without " new servers everywhere." They preached layering and sharding. But I guess that was all a lie thanks Alex and ion.

Is this really a launch though? Think about it love.

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Sounds like they brought a 15 year old game back because their lawyers were charging too much to close private servers.

Yes it is because they underestimated the amount of people who’d be trying classic day 1. Also, classic is a “restructured classic code” that was in pieces…they carefully put it back together so it is infact a “launch” as this wasn’t a copy/paste code of exact vanilla but partial.

Where did they give us warning?

They’ve made several posts about it.

Any sensible person would see that name reservations alone triggering Blizzard into giving out warnings was a sign there’d be massive queues.

Yeah I don’t play on any of those realms.

I guess you missed the point.

I get your point… It is not excusable really… We paid for a service.

Nice try though.

Paying for a service with a limited capacity that handles overflow with queues. Get over it.

Who asked you fanboy!

You did. lol

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I will say virtually everyone exploiting afk systems to stay logged in, your favorite steamers included, should be given a 3-7 day classic ban immediately so that people who play fairly can get in.

People doing this to stay logged in and avoid queues are part of the queue problem.

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After the update today, my server had no queue. I logged in around 8:45PM, played for 3 hours, and then logged out. No queue, no lag, no muss, no fuss.

For funnies, I tried to hop onto Herod where my original 3 name holders are, and the queue was over 15k, so I just gave up immediately.

I think it’s time to just let being on one of the “Uber” pop servers go and play on one of the others.

My problem is i have a 300min queue, yeah whatever, i went to walk dog, washed him, checked queue like 90 mins to go, went and made lunch and came back to no queue anymore, and log in credentials blank. err ok. I reopen wow join queue and im at the back, been happening since day 1. Meanwhile people can join queue and sleep happily, i have to actually sit here and make sure mine doesnt just STOP…

if the hypes dead why the heck is there a que? are you stupid?

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I’ve looked over TOS and it says nowhere if available if your paying sub it’s up to availability. https://www.blizzard.com/en-us/legal/fba4d00f-c7e4-4883-b8b9-1b4500a402ea/blizzard-end-user-license-agreement

Funny how the OP claims to have played since vanilla but thinks he is owed a blue response or anything else from Blizzard…

You lost me when your post started with “Yo”. And in all honesty, why are you wasting your time and everyone else’s who is replying to you. Damn, you are also wasting my time because I need to tell you that this is a waste of time…

Oh crap.