Yo hardware bros

whats up?

resubbed with gold just to say hi, and check out 9.1

How’s everyone?

Is this the new FF14 subforum?

Welcome back! It’s been pretty quiet, haven’t seen a few of the old regulars in a while… and yeah, FFXIV mania is in full force. Most of the threads related to it here were transfers from GD, so there’s this fun little FFXIV thread factory going where threads are created in GD, get big enough to catch a mod’s attention, get moved to this forum, and then because people don’t see FFXIV threads on the front page of GD they create more.

I’m still playing WoW but not super frequently, just a handful of hours each week as the itch strikes. Been on a bit of a rollercoaster with hardware, starting with a Zephyrus G15 laptop because I figured getting a GPU would be impossible, but then an opportunity to get a GPU presented itself so I returned the laptop and am now running a 5950X + 3080Ti build. Total overkill but it’s been great, runs absolutely anything that’s thrown at it which has been nice for poking at other games and catching up on backlog.

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Sounds like you got a pretty killer rig there!

I have been playing 14 since the sub ran out…we’re seeing a lot of ex-wow players and also a ton of sprouts for sure.

Nothing new hardware for me, other than we finally scored a 3070 for my wife a couple months ago at a not-so-insane price.

I didn’t save all my addons so I spent all of today trying to recreate them how they were…and failing miserably, lol.

Hey Sal! Nice seeing you again.

I’m doing alright. Just started my last semester for my second college degree - this one is for I.T. security, so I’m excited about graduation.

My time with WoW is almost at its end; just wrapping up loose ends with whatever friends I have left and continue my full focus into FFXIV since I already have sunk costs into it since 2015.

Even though I’m enjoying the game, I do find the explosion of FF threads here annoying, as opposed to someone just making one megathread to express their feelings for the game or to let Blizz know what they’re enjoying from it. I’m planning on making a new thread of something completely different just to break the monotony.

I’ve also managed to snag two GPUs - 3080ti for me and a 3070ti for a friend of mine. I got a 3080ti from Best Buy when my queue came up. It was a lot more than I wanted to spend (I planned on spending for the 3080), but beggars can’t be choosers and I was NOT going to pass on the opportunity. I got the 3070ti from the NewEgg Shuffle; completely unexpected since they said the chances were 1:10,000. I got an AMD barebone case with the combo which was in my favor, since I had my old 3900x sitting around. I bought the 32" LG Ultragear QHD Nano monitor to use with the 3080ti, so I’m happy I finally finished my setup.

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Good luck with that, I’ve been there. After getting elaborate setups wrecked a few times, I tend to run close to stock, with the most “custom” thing being Bartender. Way easier to get up and running.

I would totally believe those odds on NewEgg shuffle. I signed up several tens of times and got nothing, and know of people who’ve now been through upwards of 100 to no avail. Best Buy is pretty rough too, even if you manage to cart a GPU getting through checkout before the bots do is near impossible. Congrats on getting both!

What I ended up doing was going through EVGA elite, which I was eligible for via an EVGA PSU I bought 5 years ago. Elite gets you 24h advance access to GPU queues when they first open, and I managed to be one of the first in line for FTW3 versions of the 3080Ti and 3070Ti, so both myself and my brother got an upgrade.

Grats on your purchase! I’m an elite member too and EVGA is a brand I’ve stuck to since the 8800GT. Unfortunately, on the original release day for the 3000-series I missed the window. I put myself on the waiting list in October and I’ve been waiting for a notif since. For “Ti” release day, I was actually scheduled off from work that day so I was on the website ready and waiting. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get into the line until two hours later.

I was doing the Newegg Shuffle daily. My gmail inbox has 3 pages of “you weren’t selected” notifications.

Ended up winning once, it was the ASUS 3070 KO + ASUS ROG STRIX B550-F Gaming. Was close to $1000, which was still way more than it was worth for what appears to me to be a gussied up base Dual model.

Ended up selling the motherboard to recoup some of the cost, but the 3070 was still way more than it should have been.

Good to hear from you too. Congratulations on your progress. Good luck on completing it all and finding success. I’m enjoying 14 and have been for a few years now, but yeah it does get old seeing the constant comparisons. There’s good reasons to play both and good and bad in both too.

Right now I’m just grinding through my Eureka content for my old weapons.

My wife used her Cricut on these icons for our rigs. Here’s my reddit post:


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Those builds look sleek and clean! I added my vote on Reddit :slight_smile:

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They’re actually a little dusty, but the icons just kind of were an out of nowhere thing and I was just really happy with them.

The stupid Cricut was a few hundred after getting all the accessories, but it’s been collecting dust for like 2 years now. So I was happy to see it go to some kind of use.