Yo give alliance GUNS to make up for horde power

Lets just give alliance the tech to straight up gun down the horde with guns at this point. The meme is “if you wana win in pvp should have played horde” well you know what? im tired of it. I here by demand the devs of sod to quit with the horde favoritism! GIVE ALLIANCE GUNS. This is a meme i have heard a few times and you know what. LETS JUST MAKE IT HAPPEN! let alliance play an fps game while horde can be monsters and attack the surviving alliance. Helldivers style. That is all thank you.

NERF SHAMANS. Thats the Alliance War Cry

bro yes! not just that, lets nuke orcs undead anything into the dirt!

Alliance needs to ask Blizzard to nerf horde priest.

Nothing personal. Unless you are Alliance. Because I think horde attracts a better kind of Priest. Less touchy feely if you know what I mean.

With children’s week going on, I think it would be fair to ban horde priest from the battlefield, since the alliance priest are probably busy.

until alliance overtakes horde in players I don’t expect that to happen or when they let horde have blood elves

Alliance was winning last weekend and is winning this weekend in AB. We don’t need guns to win. Just mitigation.

There are guns in WoW already.

Rolling horde won’t make you better at the game, sorry. Please don’t roll horde.

Also, IDK about giving you guys guns. You’ll probably shoot yourselves in the foot.

There already are guns in game lol.

“My mage is Glock specced”

would be… hilarious.

guns? nice try…there will be no hunter buffs

I dunno, you seem to think your not, by the way you talk on here. Roll an alliance and see how much your “skill” will win you the bgs/pvp you think your so good at.

this reminded me of christmas story where the kid wants a bb gun but everyone keeps telling him “youll shoot your eye out kid” .


I rerolled from level 50 ally to level 50 horde on CS in one weekend.

Just reroll. You still have time before 60.