Y'know what would make the end cinematic forgivable?

This is the stupidest thing I’ve read all day. If that happens I’m quitting.

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I’m fully on board with the idea that N’zoth is still out there and we just got bamboozled into thinking we’re that cool that we can beat an Old God.


Can i have your stuff?

no :cry:


I mean to me if he was really playing us the whole time then eating that beam of energy was part of the plan. And we know things are going to Shadowlands next expansion so it makes sense that we’d run up against him and his boys for one final old god throwdown. Imagine a single raid where you fight all four old gods to stop them from opening a big rip in spacetime and letting in the void. Also explains why things were stable in the shadowlands forever and then in the last few years both the arbiter and the jailer seemed to go off the rails. Old God corruption definitely fits the bill.

And Lady S is definitely juiced up on void magic, would make sense if she got it from the Jailer, who got it from the Old Gods who he tried to jail, but then corrupted him.

The relationship between Sylvanas and the Jailer will have several similarities to the relationships between Marceline and both the Ice King and her father.

Shadowlands will actually be a musical expansion, and Sylvanas will sing about how the Jailer was actually a really swell guy before his decision to wear an ancient crown doomed him to an eternity of watching over Torghast. Also how he ate her fries one time.

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how do we know he didn’t minipulate everyone so by the small chance we do beat him he can make an escape inside the the blade of the black empire aka xalatoth do remember he sees all possibilities so forcing part of himself in the dagger as a back up plan would be a thing hed do.

Actually, N’zoth faking his death would be fully in character for him. Especially since he can see the future. Just like he foresaw Azshara betraying him, he also foresaw Sylvanas and her plans.

Canonically, time moves slower in the Shadowlands. If we go and get stuck in the Shadowlands for 2 years there, 20 years or more could pass on Azeroth. 20 years where an unleashed Old God is left to his own devices, with no Titans, and Azeroth’s mightiest champions utterly unaware of things before it is too late to interfere. We come back from the Shadowlands, only to find the world transformed, and the Black Empire reborn.


This would be amazing.

I have no doubt that we will see N’Zoth again as well as all the other Old Gods with possibly new ones as well. For a while now they have been leading the story toward a Light, Void/balance of the celestial powers idea. I think they did all this so they could move the concept of the Old Gods and the Void Lords in new directions. As long as N’Zoth was stuck as a massive chunk of flesh buried in the planet, they couldn’t do that.

I believe what Blizz has been doing since WoD is tying up all the old story lines from the RTS and early WoW so they can to a soft reboot on the whole story. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get back from Shadowlands and everything is all peace and happiness and they do a time skip for 10.0 to truly get a fresh start on a completely new story. Say 10 years. The Horde and Alliance are peaceful allies and trade partners now. Anduin has aged, maybe stared a family. The Nelves have resettled and rebuilt their home, maybe resettled Hyjal. The Forsaken are redeemed and valued members if society etc when a whole new galactic threat shows up.

Could be Bioware style and change the color of the kamehameha beam to show how the endings are different

If you zoom in the cinematic and focus at the bottom left of N’Zoth, you will see Sylvanas stabbing N’Zoth with Xal’atath, casting weird things and absorbing power.

She is our true Warchief!
Bow down before the Dark Lady, the Goddess of Death!
For the Forsaken!
Death to the living!

Is the cinematic that bad? Should I bother even watching it?

its not a mystery.

its Dumass. you only thought we has an idiot newly made forsaken because that is what he wanted you to believe. all will be revealed in 9…they went Jar jar binx here. Since anyone with half a brain knows…he was the true ultimate sith lord.

The entire world should kiss my feet now, not to mention I have a freaking laser necklace.

Because my toon, not your toon, saved all of existence, I should clearly be the new Warchief and High King.

Also, I want Kadgar to be my Butler, Greymane can be my stable boy…

But no, I still have to farm up rep so I can buy a freaking mount! Wth?!

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It will only take you 28 seconds, you may as well

funny you mention that…I too think the PC should be in charge.

Lets look at what we do. We bring in several races. Of their own free will. NB, HM cow, vulpera, z trolls…they don’t need to be here. they have there onw lives and could be successful. hell the nightborne have a city 1000 times better than Org ffs.

We, all by ourselves got them to sign up. they are there because they follow our lead.

We sold Eskimo’s not only ice…but the refrigerator to store it in as it were. thrall ain’t got nothing on that for the core horde members.

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Watched a pretty good episode of Mike Tyson’s Mystery Team the other day. The story for that episode was about on par with BFA.


Thinking back on this, BFA would be a great lead in to Warcraft 4. Player character in charge, using heroes to fight the real 4th War. Honestly, BFA was just a few skirmishes and one assault on a capital city. Darnassas and Lorderan Ruins was just the fire starter.