Y'know what i miss? the nintendo 64

blocky graphics, unrecognizable textures that are usually stretched and blurry, experimentation with how cameras and controls should work, things only-barely representing what they’re supposed to be… i miss it.

not talking about classic WoW, i’m talking about games that are older. like, super mario 64, banjo-kazooie, zelda: ocarina of time, etc. i miss those days… now whenever someone tries to make a ‘retro’ game in that style, it just… it does’nt look right. it’s too clean looking, y’know?

You miss the original feeling and experience that the game’s state was fresh off the assembly line and not some “cleaned-up” remaster with modern-day quality-of-life additions. I can understand. :slight_smile:

Like how GoldenEye 007 is the latest game from N64’s library to go thru that and is now available on Switch and Xbox pass.

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yep! especially when you could feel the duct-tape and cardboard holding the game together.
or when you would play multiplayer with a buddy, and would have to practically destroy your controller by mashing buttons to beat them at it, or have a panic attack dodging stuff, and when it was over you’d be sitting there laughing at how ridiculous it was (mario party 2 for example).

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N64 emulator for PC says Hi.

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yeah, but it’s not like folks are still making games for the n64, with actual cartridges or just roms for the emulator. does’nt change the fact i miss those days of controller-destroying fun…