Yet another Sylvanas rant

They must think I’m your alt… all my post got deleted. Guess my input isn’t welcome on the forum.

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no, I meant like you just have to suspend your disbelief that her regression was intentional and that it’s leading somewhere.

it never is in this forum unless you think like this handful. but honestly new people are appreciated. It’s always the same people making the same comments. New people in the mix would be welcome. but yeah the story forums have major gatekeeping by dozen or so commenters.


you are like a level 10 alt, blocked profile troll that likes to randomly attack Sylvanas fans… you are not special. I’ve interacted with you maybe twice in total.

blocking my gross comments… okay there buddy.


Atleast I don’t call people who disagree with me “r*pe apologists”.

Distusting person you are. And honestly quite sad after seeing that you need your own alts to agree with you.


If you think I was targeting you specifically maybe you should reflect on why you personally feel that way. You’re the one taking offense. you must know you are who I’m talking about or why get so defensive?

Defensiveness is a sign of guilt.

LOL you literally said that whoever disagrees with you is one.

Go ahead and like the posts on your alts again now :wink:

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And there goes another report.

Rape never happened in Warcraft lore in regards to Sylvanas, despite you wanting it to be true.

Your headcanon won’t be treated as a fact.

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When a person is defensive, that means that person wants to defend his or her position. It is definitely not a sign of guilt. You called half the people in this thread %!@# apologists last night for disagreeing with you, which I think you should be ashamed of. Not just because it is ad hominem, but because I would argue it trivializes the struggles of actual !@#% victims.


why? for the word rape?

rape happens every 73 seconds in this world… why are you so adverse to talking about it? why won’t you justify that some of the writing on this character is coded as sexual violence?

Why is this topic uncomfortable for you to talk about?

You who likes to point out the REAL WORLD crimes of genocie at every single opportunity… why not talk about this other real world topic? oh… right because it doesn’t suit YOUR narrative!

Because Sylvanas never got raped, it’s your headcanon that you want to be true so badly


Because, and I am going to say this very slowly.

Sylvanas. Was. Not. !@#$ed. She was murdered, and resurrected. Both murder and !@$% are awful but they are not the same thing.


It’s not just my headcannon it’s accepted subtext and even Steve Danuser verifed it.

The Arthas and Sylvanas is subtextual rape.

I’ll be waiting for the source that Arthas actually raped Sylvanas, then I’ll be glad to discuss this futher.
As long as you treat your headcanon as a fact though, this won’t work.

Also, getting wronged doesn’t give you the right to wrong others in the same way, which is your whole argument.

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Iirc Lux said “I don’t want this to turn into an apologist thread”. Never actually accused anyone of it. Unlike the way your making accusatory trash posts. Check my pets, at least 2 people think you’re garbage.


Literally called me one thrice a few comments ago. One of them withdrawn now, you’re not fooling anyone.

Steve Danuser does not have any writing or creative credit on Warcraft 3 that I could find, so frankly I don’t care what he says. He is just giving his interpretation of events after the fact.


Luxio I’m still wondering about your thoughts on all the sexual assaulting Sylvanas has done since Cataclysm. Like that time she used the threat of it on Lorna Crowley in order to stifle resistance to her imperialistic expansion, or that time in BfA she actually did it to Derek Proudmoore for the same reasons

To say nothing about the fact that she’s apparently doing it right now to Anduin Wrynn.

Oh yeah, and on Sira Moonwarden and Delaryn Summermoon.


I’ll do you one better here’s a rapey subtext except from Stormrage and I’ll let everyone who reads it decide if it’s subtextual rape (rape as defined by a power imbalance where a man takes something from a woman while gettting something out of it even just the thrill of power)

Arthas cupped her chin. His human traits could just be seen through the openings of the helmet. Frosty breath escaped him as he spoke. “So becoming as a High Elf… and so more becoming as a banshee…” She was placed on a stone platform , then chained. “This time I’ll make you right.” Arthas promised. but it was not his cold breath that chilled her so. Arthas planned to make her a banshee again …Sylvanas recalled the horrible agonies her last lingering life force had suffered before her dread transformation. She knew that she would go through terror a thousand times greater now. “No!” she cried out . trying to use her powers but those powers would not be available to her until after he completed his spell. “Yes this time you’ll be a properly obedient servant. my dear Sylvanas… even if we have to raise you again and again and again to get it right.” Stormrage page 260-261 of the softcover version.


This was an Emerald Nightmare induced hallucination, not an actual specific recollection of events. I’ll agree that it definitely speaks to a feeling of violation, but nobody was disputing that.