Yet another Sylvanas rant

“Amoral” characters are just good or evil with commitment issues (usually leaning towards the latter since they tend to be selfish).

There was a time when Sylvanas wasn’t evil, and that time is past, especially since chacters whose crimes come nowhere near Sylvanas’ have been written off as bad guys and executed.

It’s sad that at the meta level, morality in the Warcraft universe often boils down to “Do I like this character? Yes; they’re good. No; they’re evil.”


Well said, feel the same way.

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Wow, really? That’s disgusting! I can’t believe anyone would say that.

Since you necro’d….

I always have a little sigh of relief when I don’t see my little avatar among the posters in these Necro’d threads. Like :“somehow I avoided this dumpster fire back in the day….”

Oh never mind I see I had 3 posts in here.

The fact that Fojar quit about a year after his last post here still puts a smile on my face :slight_smile:

No amount of necros will bring Sylvanas back. I defeated her, even got the achievement.

It’s true. The Sylvanas I fell in love with (that merciless, badass and inspiring “battleangel”) will never come back. And yet… Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken, now and forever!

Alas. Leave it to a DK to get necromancy happy.

My question is how do you even FIND a thread from two years ago? lol
Do you just keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling?

Someone still had a bone to pick, apparently


This really is people trying to argue old points.

Old Sylvanas doesn’t exist. Some always wanted her to be proof of the “Evil Horde”. But the old talking points don’t matter anymore.


They matter in so far that the New Sylvanas is just a fusion of her evil and good side being whole again. She even mentions the cinematic where Uther helps her that she’s still very much responsible for the actions that her other half did.

Just because she got her good side back, doesn’t mean the old points are suddenly invalid.

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The hero taking responsibility for actions that other’s wouldn’t is a common heroic trope. It’s the same as Anduin feeling responsible for the things he did.

And I’m sure it will matter to the degree they keep with these attitudes, but, in the end, she is a new person and old personality doesn’t matter.

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Holy necro.

Or more likely someone got their feefees upset and reported it.

They really need to add an auto-lock feature for innactive threads.


No matter how much time passes, there must always be a sylvanas thread


Someone alert me when I unsub if anyone replies to any of my posts 2 years later.