Yet another returning player LF guild

Hey all! If you’re reading this, you’ve probably read a million just like it, so I’ll keep it brief, but informative.

I’m looking for an active social raiding guild for Shadowlands. Here are some of the things I prefer, if you don’t fit this exactly, it’s totally fine!! Just trying to paint a picture of where I have fit in the past.

-Adult environment. (I’ve got a dirty mind and a potty mouth)
-People come online for more than just guild events.
-Active voice chat. (more than just between 7pm and 11pm preferably)
-Close knit group (or at least that is the goal if you are a newer guild)
-Progression focused, but laid back. I’ll only join a guild that puts fun first. Listening to people fight ruins the game for me.

A bit about me
-Been playing since BC, raiding since late WOTLK.
-29/F in EST
-Get along with most everyone, as long as they don’t take my sarcasm, bad jokes, and fowl language to heart
-Always willing to help in any way I can.
-Have GM experience (casual raiding guild from middle-ish of WOD- beginning of BFA) but have NO intention or want to do it again (lol)
-Main toon is Frost Mage, main alt is Feral Druid (sometimes resto for dungeons, i refuse to raid heal lol)

Please contact me via discord KaixKennedy#6077 for any more info, or to discuss possible recruitment. Thanks

Sent you a message on Discord. :slight_smile: