Yet Another Horrific Visions Post. With a twist

Mechanics in raids and dungeons can be throughput based because it’s group content and it’s known you’ll have a tank and healer.

Making that same transition to solo content doesn’t work out that well. Should the penalty be hard enough to trash a havoc DH during meta? How would that look on a shadow priest?

And straight 1 shot penalty/wipe systems are REALLY not well received (see Tomb of Sargerus).

You also just blanket something as obvious bad design as if it’s some objective fact of life like the laws of thermodynamics.

Sorry, where is your bibliography and source to this widely known phenomena. This is not factual evidence… you are quite literally saying “everyone thinks this is bad game design” without showing where you came to that conclusion. I’ll admit I am no game designer and I’m not aspiring to be one either… but if you’re going to come in with a hot take like that, you should be showing us more than “because others from an unknown source said so”.

But the CC is all avoidable… 100% avoidable. So… you avoid “not playing the game” if you don’t get CC’d. If you have good positioning and timing, you avoid CC completely.


Have you tried not getting hit? Or have you tried stunning/interrupting the things that are stunnable/interruptable instead of eating a hard CC? This would be the equivalent of positioning and timing that you give raids a pass for.

Out of curiosity if being under the effects of CC are “not playing the game” what are your thoughts on PvP?

You do know that there are numerous mechanics in raids that result in a CC type loss of control on your character if you fail the basic mechanic, right? Also, why do raids get a pass on these CC type mechanics due to positioning and timing, but horrific visions don’t get the same pass? It’s the exact same situation except one is with 9 - 29 other people, and the other is just you alone potentially making the mistake.

Polymorph on a non interrupt spec says hey

I run 5 masks on many alts and there is definitely a difference depending on your class/spec and on occasion there are some abilities where your plan/counter is limited. Having said that, a cheat death and being able to do many visions per week should compensate. Not being stubborn and changing to your class’s best spec for success is always an option.

For example the easiest class/spec I found and used to farm the vendors items was my BM Hunter alt. I don’t even notice what the affixes are some weeks and the Hulk doesn’t do the throw on that spec for example.

Polymorph? Are you talking about Bwemba? That isn’t interruptable anyway, and the absolute worst case is you putter around for a few seconds in the shadow stuff you leave. It’s hardly vision breaking…

I don’t know of any other polymorphs in the visions.

The mage in SW and Alleria, as a disc priest I can’t interrupt and I do just deal with the luck of the draw when sheepy walks around.

You think it isn’t vision breaking to be a sheep during Darkness Falls, the bombs, and Eye of Chaos? It is LITERALLY vision ruining.

It would be nice if they added a rock or something I could pick up to interrupt that cast

My mistake, I have Org on the brain from this week.

Consider my previous post amended to add polymorph in those two situations for classes with no interrupt also without counterplay.

It’s ok! As long as you have the revive it’s still pretty easy. Alleria is like the worst boss ever with no interrupt on a 5 tho

I read through these posts and will offer a casual “guy who just got a 5 mask run done” on a 460 :slight_smile:

When you finally do it. It feels great.

Having said that, I understand how those who find this part of the game to be “unfun” as it’s the sort of thing that actually impacts how some of us sleep if you keep failing. LOL.

On the other hand, in most cases, the failures are simply human error. Despite that, sure, when some of these zone nuisances go off, I scream at the computer even on successful. It’s not fun. But I want to do it, or complete it because… yeah just because.

If you don’t find it fun, don’t do them I mean there are many other ways to get comparable gear and you are never guaranteed whatever piece or corruption you want.

I guess the issue is if you are obsessive with things like this it can be haunting in how it’s designed but that really isn’t Blizzard’s problem.

Though, I might have been banned if they heard me swearing at how bad it was during some of my runs the last few hours :slight_smile:

But it doesn’t matter because I did it, won beat the game.

Oh well forgive me. Just having my moment.

I am for the counter play side of the examples given.
You could stun, cc, knock back etc to give yourself an out.
On the flip side, I really get annoyed by loss of control effects and having my character thrown around.
Having saved the planet however many times now, you’d think we would be a little tougher to fear, daze, or otherwise incapacitate.
I enjoy playing my character, not watching them stumble around like an idiot. Or miss an interrupt or cc to get feared into another pack or two of mobs… its pretty lame.

That said, I have knocked out 5 masks runs for quite a while now, so “get gud” doesn’t come into play as a response for me personally.
I just get annoyed by “mechanics” being loss of control for the sake of difficulty.

Those dudes in Freehold that throw you are the reason I dont like the first bit if that dungeon.
The headbutt mobs and the guy that throws you in visions are what I dislike in there.
Just a personal gripe that I like actually playing my character.

I have successfully made it through all of that content, it was just more annoying than it had to be imo :woman_shrugging:

I agree with this. I might have not before i started doing masks, but since ive 5 masked for a few weeks now visions just feel terrible. The problem i have, is that everything goes wrong in one second. With certain madness combinations you can find yourself in a terrible situation even if you were doing great 1 second before. Some things arent even avoidable and are just dps races.
Edit: the aqir mobs are super annoying in shaman cause i dont have any instant stuns

Visions end when you succumb to loss of sanity, the ultimate loss of control. So, they did that.

Here is a crazy idea

Get a weakaura that tells u when your gift of the titans in available to proc and plan around that.

That is how most people do it, and only 2 encounters really need it.

the unbound corruptions and Rexxar.

Void Craze Hulk could fall into that category but he should be dead by the time it even matters.

Cap Totem and Sundering both incapacitate their targets. If you reply with “but Mom, sundering is in my rotation and I need it to kill the mobs…” then you deserve to be stunned.

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Another mistake that many people make is dodging mechanics that won’t kill them in the name of dealing with madnesses.

For example, if Split Personality procs and boxes you in while fighting a Faceless Corrupter, and it does it’s aoe swirly slam right inside your safe zone, your mindset is probably “don’t get hit by anything” which leads you to panic move into your Split Personality, thereby eating the stun. Part of being good at this game is being able to assess all the threats, like triage, and then deciding what needs to be handled in what order.


Are you killing the swarm leader first? You can pre-cast a cap totem, use earthbind to pull and cap totem ahead of them, or use sundering and nuke the swarm leader.

Worst case scenario you use earth ele to take the stun for you.

Even getting stunned once by the mobs isn’t a big deal… but there are infinite different strategies you could do to circumvent the poison stun.

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u cant use cap totem as a reaction, you have to use it as a prediction. And I don’t run sunder all the time cause fury of air+lucid dreams gives a ton of healing, and even if i do run sunder its on a 40 sec cd and im pretty sure the aqir can headbutt twice

You know you’ll be stunned if you don’t, so drop it in the pack on your way there. 3s to obliterate stuff without worrying about it.

Yeah you really don’t need instant stuns. Drop stun and slow totem to kite them from distance. Kill the swarm leader. If you can’t kill the headbutt dude before he gets to you just make sure you aren’t going to be knocked out of the map or into other mobs. It doesn’t really do any damage.