Yesterday's update was common sense

Give us something real not some bloody sprinkles.

bLizZaRd CaN u PlEaSe CoNfIrM iF wArRiOrS wIlL uSe RaGe In ClAsSiC wOw???


Rage will be available at a rate of $1 per point from the all new Classic WoW store, however, for you more dedicated players, rage will be available in bundles of 100 points for $95.

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I’m starting to think we aren’t getting something today…

It does appear that way. hopefully all the updates to come aren’t basics

I’ve refreshed the forums exactly 52,934 times today.

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Bro I don’t even game I forum.


My hotbar is nothing but Blizz trackers.

What was yesterday’s update?

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Faction locked PvP servers. So essentially “The game will be like Vanilla was”.

If you listen closely you can hear the addict in his native habitat, smacking his arm veins in preparation for a fix. If he doesn’t get one soon, he’ll become irritable and make sure everyone knows about it.


Lol well that is underwhelming. I mean, at least it wasnt the opposite?

Yo… youu got any of that classical crack?

What was the update?

Lol, Kudos for taking it like the joke it was meant as :beers:


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“I saw him”
“Booo this man, Boooooooo”

Best Value!