Yes, you can actually win without fighting back

During my grind to a million I decided I’d play a pacifist, which also just so happens to be far and away the most lucrative plunder farming. I let them fight, swoop in and steal all the plunder like a proper pirate should.


You can win if you get inside of an area that gets blocked off by the storm and the other players forget to.


I was on top of a building. What’s funny is the second place is the only one to try to knock me down but didn’t pass the platformer check and was too busy after that to do anything about it.


You dont get any plunder from the puddles that drop after the game is over.


I dived on the third place guy straight away before 2nd place gave up the ghost.

Only reason I was on the ground actually. I wasn’t even trying to win, just collect the max plunder I can without killing anyone.


Do you mean there’s an area that is safe to be behind the Stormwall eventually but isn’t taking constant damage? Or just hanging out in the storm with a boat or heal for a bit? Inquiring minds . . . :smile_cat:

Sometimes the way the storm enroaches can mean that someone gets trapped outside the safe zone with the only way to get out of wherever they are being to walk further inside the storm. This can happen with a few of the rock formations on the north east and if the final is the horde base on the west sometimes people get stuck in the mine outside.


I’ve been recommending people to do plunder stealing but it’s definitely lower than just PVPing. 1.8K as a rank 1 isn’t too impressive.

I did this again in one of the orc camps, but after 60 seconds of watching the poor worgen run around trying to find me I jumped down and forfeited the match.

that remidn me of gnome I oonce enocunter try to go for this, And I admire her willing to go down, Sure it was 3 and i ask if any one relaly one adn well 10 gnome one as passfist gnome willing lose to not kill a player (Bless her)

any who GG if only there meta achvement to win a match with out killing any one… some way some how.

It depends where the center is. If one of the walled fortresses is in the center of the storm, for example.

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I tried to win a match this way. Made it to 2nd place, had a boat ready to dip into the storm for a while. However, either my boat immediately got knocked off of me by damage, or they made it so you cannot use the boat in the end-game matches because the moment I popped the item it dropped off me. I let the other person take the win-- even if I could put up a reasonable fight (and I probably couldn’t have), it didn’t feel right (in my mind) to make it to 2nd place as a pacifist only to then fight for 1st.

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Is the pacifism limited to engaging other players? Completing at least one of the Captain’s Bounty quests requires killing creatures or NPCs.

No You can kill NPC and Creatures but if you want, You can try go for it, I mean Sure you not gonna get any levels or spell but… Hey more power for you to even try.

Yeah, I destroy mobs left and right. Often while dodging around players.

Or stealing their starter power if they decide to attack me right out of the gate.

I also have no qualms diving in and grabbing the plunder from other player’s kills. It’s not like I did it or anything

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I begged them to stop fighting. They never listen.

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I’m pretty much just pacifist by de facto because I just cannot get kills no matter how hard I try.