Yes ! Boosted players we exist. Stop Harassing us

/e is a thing by the way. All removing /spit did was make people change their macros by a couple words to get the exact same result.

I can assure you that everyone knows boosted players exist considering past expansions literally give boosts away as part of the expansion and WoW advertises the service.

You also aren’t being harassed for existing. If anything, you’ll be harassed for talking smack or trying to leapfrog up the content tiers while being the lowest possible quality player with no actual clue how your newly boosted class works and with no investment into the things a regular player is expected to have/obtained as well (and for which they’d be equally “harassed” if they showed up without them).

Oh yeah. FYI, if you’re going to lie about stuff, make sure it isn’t blatantly wrong info. You can’t be /spit on these days (or other similar emotes).

They’re called “Boosties.”

OP doesn’t care about that.

Yes you can. /e

This game has gotten so toxic we need to pay gold for friendliness :stuck_out_tongue:

3/10 troll post
 somewhat better than the last one you made

You honestly do though. Only comical but valid exception are arena spammers. They have had no reason to leave their dalaran laps, in order to play their niche of content. Everyone else doing PvE especially world quest players have like no reason to not have it.

Then theres no reason for them to whine about legion and WoD flight for free now
they got it by just playing the game.
But they sure tossed fits in here about it when blizzard broke the news.

“just playing the game” eh?
I think that guy finally dispelled that one. lol

I have no issue w the way players want to spend their gold. Some people have more time than gold; others have more money (token) than time. It’s a win for both parties.

in game hyperinflation begs to differ

Art imitating life

I don’t mind that you buy boosts, but I don’t understand it.

Like why do you want achievements and titles you didn’t earn?

You’re so full it , literally seek help

There’s multiple paths that can be taken to earning achievements (maybe not so much for solo ones though). If you can grind out the gold to buy a boost, you’ve earned it.

Agree to disagree

i dont know but always the people who do m+ between 7-12, the ones that are like between 8/10 N and 3/10 H or the people between 1200-1500 pvp rating are the most toxic ones.

The people below that are trying their best and having fun, the people far above that doesnt mind to give a hand and sometimes flex they can carry and are happy to do it but that point in the distribution bell its the toxic wannabe minmaxer zone.

just dont mind and be happy

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i have 7 open sub-accounts on my battlenet account

I am a publicly confessed ‘altaholic’

they make me buy the xpac for each sub-account

whoever has problems with boosted alts better
i have 7

I only care how you play, I could care less where your gear came from :man_shrugging:t3:

I may be only “slightly above average” according to critics in the game but I’ve never paid for carries for any of my gear or achievments. I earned them all and that’s cool with me.