Yes, Another PVP Post B/C My God This Game is Garbage

For those of you who don’t know what Alliance PUGs are like, here’s my experience from this morning: imgur .com/a/MMKUrPZ. Four games. Four graveyard farms. This is Classic PVP, ladies and gentlemen.


Retail is just a menu click away sir.


Dude, stick to one thread. These attempts to get Blizzard’s attention is shameful.

You could very easily make these posts in any of the 10 threads you’ve already created in the last week. If you want Blizzard to be able to read the communities thoughts regarding this issue, stop resetting discussion for it.

If players report you for spam, you may finally get the attention that you crave.


Easy solution: quit clicking on the Enter Battleground button.


I mean, Blizzard was set with the task of creating a game that was to be as close to vanilla as possible. I’d say they got relatively close. I know I wanted it, pug’d my way to r10, gy camps and all. Population might be an issue, but your que times aren’t being affected as alli. Blizzard has expressed how commited they are to maintaining this pursuit in keeping the game authentic. I don’t see change in your future my friend, not this expansion atleast. The only real problem I see is someone throwing away $15/month for a game they think is garbage.

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Congrats Archdruid on becoming the newest member of the Villanelle Ignore because you bore list

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But…but… These forums have told me many times its only Horde that cry about BG issues? I demand answers to this! OBVIOUS TROLL ALLIANCE NEVER CRY ABOUT FAILING

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It hurts me seeing that first picture does every pally have t2 helm but me?

You can do Ony twice during most weeks. Are you raiding with the same team each time?

As OP has made clear, PUGs are not the answer.

Edit: ye, screw druids. they have it ez.

Nah mostly pugs, but that doesn’t matter because I haven’t seen it drop even once. The number of druids helms though is insane.

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So how do we fix this hot trash gameplay? Well I’ll tell you how: How To Fix PVP


I’ve won 2 games all week. As in, the last 7 days. That’s how trash this queue system is because you only get a chance to win every 4-5 games.

It takes a special person to enact the same steps to defeat without taking responsibility on what needs to be done to improve.

game’s fine if you stop PVPing.

There would be literally nothing to do then. PVP is the endgame. You can raid 2 hours a week if you want but that hardly warrants $15 a month.

You thought you did but you don’t.

You git gud, i imagine?
And get a good team, why are they all just sitting in the GY

You’ve never fought a premade, have you? Because if you had, you’d know why everyone is trapped in the graveyard. Or you’re a troll, one.