Yephick <Haunt> Mankrik Ninjas Cloak

I roll 76. ML then awards the cloak to Yephick with a winning roll of 70. Guy teles to org and insta logs off. I waited for him to log back on but he wouldn’t respond to me.

I tried telling a couple of their guild officers but one seemed unbothered and the other was just plain toxic about it. He tried to brag about getting normal gear after that. Weird flex

If the loot rules where clearly stated, put in a ticket, but be prepared to wait 7+ days for an answer and potentially 2-3 bot responses before you actually get a human.

Best to edit out the Player name and Guild name, I’m not trying to defend this guy or his guild.

It would be best if the Forums had a section where we could name players that ninja loot so they can be Blacklisted from groups. Blizz needs to get with the times. A name and shame section is the only way to deter bad characters.

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